void Init_Timer0() { unsigned char TMR0 = 0; // 清零计数器 unsigned char T0CR |= 0x08; // 开启 T0 中断使能 unsigned char T0CR |= 0x01; // 启动 T0 计时器 unsigned char INTE |= 0x01; // 开启中断 unsigned char GIE |= 0x80; // 开启总中断哪里错了
时间: 2023-12-06 21:44:56 浏览: 81
首先,在使用变量 `T0CR` 之前应该先进行定义。其次,使用按位或 `|=` 运算符时应该先将变量清零,否则会影响原有的值。
另外,中断使能寄存器 `INTE` 和总中断寄存器 `GIE` 的操作也有问题。应该使用赋值运算符 `=` 而不是按位或 `|=` 运算符。同时,应该使用 `INTCON` 寄存器来操作中断使能和总中断开关,而不是使用 `INTE` 和 `GIE` 寄存器。
void Init_Timer0() {
unsigned char TMR0 = 0; // 清零计数器
unsigned char T0CR = 0x08; // 开启 T0 中断使能
T0CR &= ~0x01; // 停止 T0 计时器
T0CR |= 0x01; // 启动 T0 计时器
INTCON |= 0x20; // 开启中断
INTCON |= 0x80; // 开启总中断
void timer_isr(void) __interrupt(1) { unsigned char TMR0IF = 0; //清除定时器中断标志位 unsigned char timerCount++; if(timerCount >= BREATH_TIME) { timerFlag = 1; } }怎么修改
可以将 unsigned char timerCount++; 修改为 timerCount++;,因为在函数中已经定义了 timerCount 的类型为 unsigned char,无需再次声明。另外,可以将 if(timerCount >= BREATH_TIME) 修改为 if(timerCount >= BREATH_TIME),使其符合命名规范。修改后的代码如下:
void timer_isr(void) __interrupt(1) {
TMR0IF = 0; //清除定时器中断标志位
if(timerCount >= BREATH_TIME) {
timerFlag = 1;
unsigned char os_timer_start_periodic (unsigned char os_timer_id, unsigned short notify_event, unsigned short period) { OS_TMR_T *ptimer; if ((os_timer_id >= MAX_TIMER_NUMBER) || (notify_event == 0) || (period == 0)) { return ERROR_TIMER_GENERAL; } CPU_ENTER_CRITICAL(); ptimer = &os_timer[os_timer_id]; ptimer->notify_task_id = os_timer_notify_task_id_table[os_timer_id][1]; ptimer->notify_event = notify_event; ptimer->period = period; ptimer->count = period; ptimer->status = 0x81; /* set the PERIODIC & START bit */ CPU_EXIT_CRITICAL(); return ERROR_NONE; }
Sorry, it seems like you pasted an incomplete code snippet. Could you please provide me with the complete code and context so that I can understand what you're trying to achieve and help you better?