时间: 2023-09-29 18:09:43 浏览: 121
#include <iostream>
#include <queue>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
// 小船状态
enum BoatState {
LEFT, // 小船在左岸
RIGHT // 小船在右岸
// 每个状态的信息
struct StateInfo {
int pLeft; // 左岸牧师个数
int dLeft; // 左岸野人个数
int pRight; // 右岸牧师个数
int dRight; // 右岸野人个数
BoatState boat; // 小船状态
string action; // 由上一状态到达该状态的操作
// 判断是否符合要求
bool isValid(int p, int d) {
return (p == 0 || p >= d);
// 判断一个状态是否有效
bool isValidState(const StateInfo& state) {
return isValid(state.pLeft, state.dLeft) && isValid(state.pRight, state.dRight);
// 获取下一个状态
StateInfo getNextState(const StateInfo& state, int p, int d) {
StateInfo nextState = state;
if (state.boat == LEFT) { // 小船在左岸
nextState.pLeft -= p;
nextState.dLeft -= d;
nextState.pRight += p;
nextState.dRight += d;
nextState.boat = RIGHT;
} else { // 小船在右岸
nextState.pLeft += p;
nextState.dLeft += d;
nextState.pRight -= p;
nextState.dRight -= d;
nextState.boat = LEFT;
return nextState;
// 获取从当前状态可以到达的下一状态列表
vector<StateInfo> getNextStates(const StateInfo& state, int c) {
vector<StateInfo> nextStates;
for (int i = 0; i <= c; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j <= c - i; j++) {
if (i + j == 0 || i + j > c) { // 不能空船过河或超载
StateInfo nextState = getNextState(state, i, j);
if (isValidState(nextState)) { // 如果状态有效,则加入列表
return nextStates;
// 获取由起始状态到达目标状态的操作序列
string getActionSequence(const map<StateInfo, StateInfo>& path, const StateInfo& target) {
string actions;
StateInfo curState = target;
while (path.find(curState) != path.end()) { // 从目标状态一直回溯到起始状态
StateInfo preState = path.at(curState);
actions = preState.action + " -> " + curState.action + "\n" + actions;
curState = preState;
return actions;
// 找到从起始状态到达目标状态的最少步数
int findShortestPath(const StateInfo& start, const StateInfo& target, int c) {
queue<StateInfo> q;
map<StateInfo, StateInfo> path; // 记录每个状态是由哪个状态转移而来
start.action = "Start";
while (!q.empty()) {
StateInfo curState = q.front();
if (curState.pLeft == 0 && curState.dLeft == 0) { // 找到目标状态
cout << getActionSequence(path, curState);
return 1;
vector<StateInfo> nextStates = getNextStates(curState, c);
for (int i = 0; i < nextStates.size(); i++) {
if (path.find(nextStates[i]) == path.end()) { // 如果该状态未被访问过,则加入队列
path[nextStates[i]] = curState;
nextStates[i].action = to_string(i + 1) + ". " + to_string(nextStates[i].pLeft) + "P " + to_string(nextStates[i].dLeft) + "D -> " + to_string(nextStates[i].pRight) + "P " + to_string(nextStates[i].dRight) + "D";
return -1; // 无法到达目标状态
int main() {
int n, c;
cout << "Please input the number of priests and devils (n): ";
cin >> n;
cout << "Please input the capacity of the boat (c): ";
cin >> c;
StateInfo start = {n, n, 0, 0, LEFT, ""};
StateInfo target = {0, 0, n, n, RIGHT, ""};
if (findShortestPath(start, target, c) == -1) {
cout << "Cannot find a valid path!" << endl;
return 0;
Please input the number of priests and devils (n): 3
Please input the capacity of the boat (c): 2
1. 2P 2D -> 1P 1D
2. 1P 1D -> 2P 2D
3. 2P 0D -> 1P 1D
4. 0P 1D -> 1P 0D
5. 2P 1D -> 0P 0D