为什么会出现KeyError: 'house_exist_mean_target'报错

时间: 2024-04-03 14:30:32 浏览: 9
这个错误通常是由于在验证集或测试集中,某个分类变量的某个值在训练集中没有出现,因此无法通过训练集中的目标变量平均值来计算该值的目标编码特征。在这种情况下,当代码尝试将新的目标编码特征值分配给验证集或测试集的相应行时,就会出现KeyError: 'house_exist_mean_target'报错。 为解决这个问题,可以在计算目标编码特征之前,首先使用训练集中的分类变量值来创建一个包含所有可能值的字典,并将其存储在一个变量中。然后,当计算验证集或测试集中的目标编码特征时,如果该分类变量的某个值在训练集中不存在,则将其映射到字典中的默认值。这样就可以避免KeyError: 'house_exist_mean_target'报错。

KeyError: dict_values()

The KeyError with dict_values() occurs when you try to access a key in a dictionary that does not exist. Note that dict_values() is not a key, but a method that returns a view object that contains the values of the dictionary. Therefore, it is likely that the KeyError is caused by trying to access a key in the original dictionary, rather than the dict_values() view object. Here is an example: ```python example_dict = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3} # Incorrect use of dict_values() method values = example_dict.dict_values() print(values[0]) # Raises a KeyError # Correct use of dict_values() method values = example_dict.values() print(values) # Returns dict_values([1, 2, 3]) # Accessing a key that does not exist in the dictionary print(example_dict['d']) # Raises a KeyError ``` In the example above, the first use of dict_values() method is incorrect because it tries to access an index of the view object, which does not exist. The second use of dict_values() method is correct because it returns the view object containing the values of the dictionary. Finally, the third line raises a KeyError because the key 'd' does not exist in the dictionary.

register: iptables_exist

I am sorry, as an AI language model, I am not capable of registering or checking the existence of iptables. However, I can provide information on what iptables are and how to use them. Iptables is a command-line utility in Linux that is used for managing network security by allowing or blocking traffic based on a set of rules. It is a firewall tool that can be used to filter and block unwanted traffic on your network. To check if iptables is installed on your Linux system, you can run the following command in the terminal: ``` sudo iptables -L ``` If iptables is installed, it will display the current rules set on your system. If it is not installed, you will get an error message. To install iptables on your Linux system, you can use the package manager of your distribution. For example, on Ubuntu and Debian, you can use the following command to install iptables: ``` sudo apt-get install iptables ``` Once installed, you can use iptables to configure your firewall rules and secure your network.


目标编码 def gen_target_encoding_feats(train, train_2, test, encode_cols, target_col, n_fold=10): '''生成target encoding特征''' # for training set - cv tg_feats = np.zeros((train.shape[0], len(encode_cols))) kfold = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=n_fold, random_state=1024, shuffle=True) for _, (train_index, val_index) in enumerate(kfold.split(train[encode_cols], train[target_col])): df_train, df_val = train.iloc[train_index], train.iloc[val_index] for idx, col in enumerate(encode_cols): target_mean_dict = df_train.groupby(col)[target_col].mean() if not df_val[f'{col}_mean_target'].empty: df_val[f'{col}_mean_target'] = df_val[col].map(target_mean_dict) tg_feats[val_index, idx] = df_val[f'{col}_mean_target'].values for idx, encode_col in enumerate(encode_cols): train[f'{encode_col}_mean_target'] = tg_feats[:, idx] # for train_2 set - cv tg_feats = np.zeros((train_2.shape[0], len(encode_cols))) kfold = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=n_fold, random_state=1024, shuffle=True) for _, (train_index, val_index) in enumerate(kfold.split(train_2[encode_cols], train_2[target_col])): df_train, df_val = train_2.iloc[train_index], train_2.iloc[val_index] for idx, col in enumerate(encode_cols): target_mean_dict = df_train.groupby(col)[target_col].mean() if not df_val[f'{col}_mean_target'].empty: df_val[f'{col}_mean_target'] = df_val[col].map(target_mean_dict) tg_feats[val_index, idx] = df_val[f'{col}_mean_target'].values for idx, encode_col in enumerate(encode_cols): train_2[f'{encode_col}_mean_target'] = tg_feats[:, idx] # for testing set for col in encode_cols: target_mean_dict = train.groupby(col)[target_col].mean() test[f'{col}_mean_target'] = test[col].map(target_mean_dict) return train, train_2, test features = ['house_exist', 'debt_loan_ratio', 'industry', 'title'] train_1, train_2, test = gen_target_encoding_feats(train_1, train_2, test, features, ['isDefault'], n_fold=10) 出现报错

目标编码 def gen_target_encoding_feats(train, train_2, test, encode_cols, target_col, n_fold=10): '''生成target encoding特征''' # for training set - cv tg_feats = np.zeros((train.shape[0], len(encode_cols))) kfold = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=n_fold, random_state=1024, shuffle=True) for _, (train_index, val_index) in enumerate(kfold.split(train[encode_cols], train[target_col])): df_train, df_val = train.iloc[train_index], train.iloc[val_index] for idx, col in enumerate(encode_cols): target_mean_dict = df_train.groupby(col)[target_col].mean() if not df_val[f'{col}_mean_target'].empty: df_val[f'{col}_mean_target'] = df_val[col].map(target_mean_dict) tg_feats[val_index, idx] = df_val[f'{col}_mean_target'].values for idx, encode_col in enumerate(encode_cols): train[f'{encode_col}_mean_target'] = tg_feats[:, idx] # for train_2 set - cv tg_feats = np.zeros((train_2.shape[0], len(encode_cols))) kfold = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=n_fold, random_state=1024, shuffle=True) for _, (train_index, val_index) in enumerate(kfold.split(train_2[encode_cols], train_2[target_col])): df_train, df_val = train_2.iloc[train_index], train_2.iloc[val_index] for idx, col in enumerate(encode_cols): target_mean_dict = df_train.groupby(col)[target_col].mean() if not df_val[f'{col}_mean_target'].empty: df_val[f'{col}_mean_target'] = df_val[col].map(target_mean_dict) tg_feats[val_index, idx] = df_val[f'{col}_mean_target'].values for idx, encode_col in enumerate(encode_cols): train_2[f'{encode_col}_mean_target'] = tg_feats[:, idx] # for testing set for col in encode_cols: target_mean_dict = train.groupby(col)[target_col].mean() test[f'{col}_mean_target'] = test[col].map(target_mean_dict) return train, train_2, test features = ['house_exist', 'debt_loan_ratio', 'industry', 'title'] train_1, train_2, test = gen_target_encoding_feats(train_1, train_2, test, features, ['isDefault'], n_fold=10) 出现报错ValueError: The truth value of a DataFrame is ambiguous. Use a.empty, a.bool(), a.item(), a.any() or a.all().在哪里修改怎么修改

目标编码 def gen_target_encoding_feats(train, train_2, test, encode_cols, target_col, n_fold=10): '''生成target encoding特征''' # for training set - cv tg_feats = np.zeros((train.shape[0], len(encode_cols))) kfold = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=n_fold, random_state=1024, shuffle=True) for _, (train_index, val_index) in enumerate(kfold.split(train[encode_cols], train[target_col])): df_train, df_val = train.iloc[train_index], train.iloc[val_index] for idx, col in enumerate(encode_cols): # get all possible values for the current column col_values = set(train[col].unique()) if None in col_values: col_values.remove(None) # replace value with mode if it does not appear in the training set mode = train[col].mode()[0] df_val.loc[~df_val[col].isin(col_values), f'{col}_mean_target'] = mode test.loc[~test[col].isin(col_values), f'{col}_mean_target'] = mode target_mean_dict = df_train.groupby(col)[target_col].mean() if df_val[f'{col}_mean_target'].empty: df_val[f'{col}_mean_target'] = df_val[col].map(target_mean_dict) tg_feats[val_index, idx] = df_val[f'{col}_mean_target'].values for idx, encode_col in enumerate(encode_cols): train[f'{encode_col}_mean_target'] = tg_feats[:, idx] # for train_2 set - cv tg_feats = np.zeros((train_2.shape[0], len(encode_cols))) kfold = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=n_fold, random_state=1024, shuffle=True) for _, (train_index, val_index) in enumerate(kfold.split(train_2[encode_cols], train_2[target_col])): df_train, df_val = train_2.iloc[train_index], train_2.iloc[val_index] for idx, col in enumerate(encode_cols): target_mean_dict = df_train.groupby(col)[target_col].mean() if df_val[f'{col}_mean_target'].insull.any(): df_val[f'{col}_mean_target'] = df_val[col].map(target_mean_dict) tg_feats[val_index, idx] = df_val[f'{col}_mean_target'].values for idx, encode_col in enumerate(encode_cols): train_2[f'{encode_col}_mean_target'] = tg_feats[:, idx] # for testing set for col in encode_cols: target_mean_dict = train.groupby(col)[target_col].mean() test[f'{col}_mean_target'] = test[col].map(target_mean_dict) return train, train_2, test features = ['house_exist', 'debt_loan_ratio', 'industry', 'title'] train_1, train_2, test = gen_target_encoding_feats(train_1, train_2, test, features, ['isDefault'], n_fold=10)检查错误和警告并修改



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在 Unity 中创建按钮的步骤如下: 1. 在 Unity 中创建一个 UI Canvas,选择 GameObject -> UI -> Canvas。 2. 在 Canvas 中创建一个按钮,选择 GameObject -> UI -> Button。 3. 在场景视图中调整按钮的位置和大小。 4. 在 Inspector 中设置按钮的文本、颜色、字体等属性。 5. 添加按钮的响应事件,选择按钮,在 Inspector 的 On Click () 中添加相应的方法。 这样就可以创建一个按钮了,你可以在游戏中使用它来触发相应的操作。

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