bash: cd: too many arguments
时间: 2023-09-27 08:09:37 浏览: 183
This error message is displayed when the "cd" command is given more than one argument. The "cd" command is used to change the current working directory, and it only accepts one argument at a time, which is the path of the directory you want to switch to.
To fix this error, make sure you are only passing one argument to the "cd" command. If you want to change to a directory that has spaces in its name, make sure to enclose the path in quotes. For example, to change to a directory named "My Documents", you would use the command:
cd "My Documents"
This will ensure that the entire path is treated as a single argument.
(base) yanglv@yangle:/mnt/f$ cd C. lanceoleosa_genome -bash: cd: too many arguments
当你尝试使用 `cd` 命令时提示 "too many arguments" 错误,意味着你传递给 `cd` 的参数过多,而实际上这个命令只需要一个参数,即你想要切换到的新目录路径。在你的例子中,你似乎试图跳转到 `/mnt/f/C. lanceoleosa_genome` 目录,但是由于路径中含有空格,可能会导致歧义。
正确的做法应该是去掉路径中的所有空格,并确保只有一个目录名作为参数,或者使用双引号将包含空格的目录路径括起来,使其作为一个整体传递给 `cd`,示例如下:
# 使用单个目录名
(base) yanglv@yangle:/mnt/f$ cd C.lanceoleosa_genome
# 或者使用双引号包含含有空格的路径
(base) yanglv@yangle:/mnt/f$ cd "C. lanceoleosa_genome"
(base) yanglv@yangle:/mnt/f$ cd ..
(base) yanglv@yangle:/mnt$ cd f/
(base) yanglv@yangle:/mnt/f$ cd C.lanceoleosa_genome
POLYV@DESKTOP-81H6E8T MINGW64 /d $ cd ./Program Files/Gitdata bash: cd: too many arguments
您好!对于您的问题,您在输入命令"cd ./Program Files/Gitdata"时遇到了错误。出现这个错误的原因是您在路径中的空格没有正确地转义。
1. 使用引号将整个路径包裹起来:
cd "./Program Files/Gitdata"
2. 使用反斜杠对空格进行转义:
cd ./Program\ Files/Gitdata