python实现:检查以下json文件内容{ "network_scenarios": "sdn", "dataplanes_config": [ { "name": "default", "network_type": "DATAPLANE", "segmentation_type": "vxlan", "subnets": [ { "start": "", "end": "", "cidr": "", "gateway": "", "vlan_id": "" } ] } ], "host-192-168-103-110": { "nics": { "eno2": { "physical_network": { "default": { "network_type": "DATAPLANE", "vtep_ip": "", "segmentation_type": "vxlan" } }, "vswitch_type": "dvs", "dvs_nic_form": "", "exist_netplanes": [ "DATAPLANE" ] } } }, "host-192-168-103-111": { "nics": { "szeno1": { "physical_network": { "default": { "network_type": "DATAPLANE", "vtep_ip": "", "segmentation_type": "vxlan" } }, "vswitch_type": "dvs", "dvs_nic_form": "", "exist_netplanes": [ "DATAPLANE" ] } } }, "sdn_manage_vswitch": "yes" } 在满足条件network_scenarios= sdn 或者 network_scenarios=sdn-hierarchical and sdn_manage_vswitch=yes时: segmentation_type = vxlan时,vswitch_type =dvs或ovs时,满足检查如下: (1)vtep_ip是否配置(必填) (2)vtep_ip是否在subnets中所属网段且在start 和end之间 (3) vtep_ip是否有重复
时间: 2023-07-06 22:39:06 浏览: 114
可以使用 Python 的 json 模块来解析该 JSON 文件,并编写代码实现上述检查逻辑。以下是代码示例:
import json
with open('example.json') as f:
data = json.load(f)
if data['network_scenarios'] == 'sdn' or (data['network_scenarios'] == 'sdn-hierarchical' and data['sdn_manage_vswitch'] == 'yes'):
for dp_config in data['dataplanes_config']:
if dp_config['segmentation_type'] == 'vxlan':
for subnet in dp_config['subnets']:
start_ip = subnet['start']
end_ip = subnet['end']
cidr = subnet['cidr']
vtep_ip = ''
for nic in data.values():
if isinstance(nic, dict) and 'physical_network' in nic.get('nics', {}):
for netplane in nic['nics']['physical_network'].values():
if netplane.get('segmentation_type') == 'vxlan':
vtep_ip = netplane.get('vtep_ip', '')
if vtep_ip:
if cidr in vtep_ip and start_ip <= vtep_ip <= end_ip:
print('VTEP IP %s is valid.' % vtep_ip)
print('VTEP IP %s is not in subnet or not in range.' % vtep_ip)
print('VTEP IP is missing.')
elif netplane.get('segmentation_type') == 'vlan':
print('VLAN segmentation is not supported.')
if vtep_ip and list(data.values()).count({'vtep_ip': vtep_ip}) > 1:
print('VTEP IP %s is duplicated.' % vtep_ip)
其中,首先使用 `json.load()` 方法读取 JSON 文件的内容,并将其转换为 Python 对象。然后,根据条件判断进行检查。对于每个符合条件的 dataplane 配置,检查其 subnet 中的 IP 范围是否包含某个物理网络的 VTEP IP。如果 VTEP IP 存在且合法,则检查是否有重复。最后输出检查结果。