istream& operator>>(istream& i, User& u)
时间: 2024-05-10 22:10:55 浏览: 143
istream& operator>>(istream& i, User& u) 是一个重载的输入运算符函数,用于从输入流中读取数据并将其存储到User对象中。它的作用是实现自定义的输入操作,使得我们可以使用类似于cin >> u 的语法来输入数据到User对象。
C++Write a program that will prepare a shipping label and determine the cost for a box of any size and mass. five attributes: type double length, width, height, mass, price six attributes: type string senderName, receiverName, senderAddress, receiverAddress, originCountry, destinationCountry (you can shorten names if you like, just make a comment about their meaning) a default constructor – basic initial values for all parameters a user constructor – input sender Name, senderAddress, originCountry a double function volume() – a function to return l×w×h a double function surfArea() – a function to return 2×(l×w+l×h+w×h) a double function girth() – a function to return the perimeter for the two smallest dimensions P=2(x+y), where x and y are the two smalles of l,w,h a double function maxDim() – a function to return the largest dimension from l,w,h a double function pricing() – a function to return the shipping price based on the table above an operator+ function – a function that determines the total cost of shipping (return type double).... (you may decide how to calculate.... a) add prices from both packages, b) apply fee or discount for number of packages) an operator>> function – a function to get the information from the user about the package.... OR.... a set of “ask” functions to ask the same information an operator<< function – a function to type the information in the shipping label format.... OR.... a set of “print” functions – to print the same information
Sure, here's an example program that meets the requirements you've listed:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class ShippingBox {
double length, width, height, mass, price;
string senderName, receiverName, senderAddress, receiverAddress, originCountry, destinationCountry;
// default constructor
ShippingBox() {
length = width = height = mass = price = 0.0;
senderName = receiverName = senderAddress = receiverAddress = originCountry = destinationCountry = "";
// user constructor
ShippingBox(string sName, string sAddress, string oCountry) {
senderName = sName;
senderAddress = sAddress;
originCountry = oCountry;
// set other parameters to default values
receiverName = receiverAddress = destinationCountry = "";
length = width = height = mass = price = 0.0;
// volume function
double volume() {
return length * width * height;
// surface area function
double surfArea() {
return 2 * (length * width + length * height + width * height);
// girth function
double girth() {
double x = min(min(length, width), height);
if (x == length) return 2 * (width + height);
else if (x == width) return 2 * (length + height);
else return 2 * (length + width);
// max dimension function
double maxDim() {
return max(max(length, width), height);
// pricing function
double pricing() {
// pricing table based on destination country
if (destinationCountry == "USA") {
if (mass < 10) return 5.0;
else if (mass < 20) return 8.0;
else return 10.0;
} else if (destinationCountry == "Canada") {
if (mass < 10) return 7.0;
else if (mass < 20) return 10.0;
else return 12.0;
} else {
if (mass < 10) return 10.0;
else if (mass < 20) return 15.0;
else return 20.0;
// operator+ function
double operator+(const ShippingBox& other) {
return pricing() + other.pricing();
// operator>> function
friend istream& operator>>(istream& input, ShippingBox& box) {
cout << "Enter sender name: ";
getline(input, box.senderName);
cout << "Enter sender address: ";
getline(input, box.senderAddress);
cout << "Enter origin country: ";
getline(input, box.originCountry);
cout << "Enter receiver name: ";
getline(input, box.receiverName);
cout << "Enter receiver address: ";
getline(input, box.receiverAddress);
cout << "Enter destination country: ";
getline(input, box.destinationCountry);
cout << "Enter length: ";
input >> box.length;
cout << "Enter width: ";
input >> box.width;
cout << "Enter height: ";
input >> box.height;
cout << "Enter mass: ";
input >> box.mass;
cout << "Enter price: ";
input >> box.price;
return input;
// operator<< function
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& output, const ShippingBox& box) {
output << "Sender: " << box.senderName << ", " << box.senderAddress << ", " << box.originCountry << endl;
output << "Receiver: " << box.receiverName << ", " << box.receiverAddress << ", " << box.destinationCountry << endl;
output << "Dimensions (LxWxH): " << box.length << " x " << box.width << " x " << box.height << endl;
output << "Mass: " << box.mass << " kg" << endl;
output << "Price: $" << box.price << endl;
output << "Volume: " << box.volume() << " cubic meters" << endl;
output << "Surface area: " << box.surfArea() << " square meters" << endl;
output << "Girth: " << box.girth() << " meters" << endl;
output << "Max dimension: " << box.maxDim() << " meters" << endl;
output << "Shipping cost: $" << box.pricing() << endl;
return output;
int main() {
ShippingBox box1("John Smith", "1234 Main St, Anytown USA", "USA");
ShippingBox box2;
cout << "Enter information for box 2:" << endl;
cin >> box2;
cout << endl << "Shipping label for box 1:" << endl << box1 << endl;
cout << "Shipping label for box 2:" << endl << box2 << endl;
double totalCost = box1 + box2;
cout << "Total shipping cost: $" << totalCost << endl;
return 0;
This program defines a `ShippingBox` class with the attributes and functions you've specified. It includes a default constructor, a user constructor, and functions to calculate the volume, surface area, girth, max dimension, and pricing of a box. It also includes operator functions to input and output the box information, as well as to calculate the total cost of shipping for two boxes.
Note that the pricing table is based on the destination country and the mass of the box. You can adjust the pricing values as needed or add more pricing tiers for different ranges of mass.
C++Write a C++ program that defines a cmplx struct.The cmplx struct object type should include... Member Variables (public or private, you decide) two variables, each double as listed in the "Background" Public Members a default constructor – define all real and imaginary with zero cmplx() a user constructor – define all real and imaginary with user input, allow I=0 as default value cmplx(double, double=0) a copy constructor – define new unit object based on existing cmplx(const cmplx &) arithmetic operators – define four arithmetic operations for cmplx input + – * / arithmetic overload – define four arithmetic overloads for double input + – * / friend iostream directives – define input and output directives >> << friend arithmetic operator – define four friend operation for double + – * / friend square function – define math for square friend cmplx sq(cmplx &) friend cubic function – define math for cubic 。friend cmplx cu(cmplx &)
Here is a sample implementation of the cmplx struct in C++:
using namespace std;
struct cmplx {
double real;
double imag;
cmplx(): real(0), imag(0) {}
cmplx(double r, double i = 0): real(r), imag(i) {}
cmplx(const cmplx& c): real(c.real), imag(c.imag) {}
friend cmplx operator+(const cmplx& c1, const cmplx& c2) {
return cmplx(c1.real + c2.real, c1.imag + c2.imag);
friend cmplx operator-(const cmplx& c1, const cmplx& c2) {
return cmplx(c1.real - c2.real, c1.imag - c2.imag);
friend cmplx operator*(const cmplx& c1, const cmplx& c2) {
return cmplx(c1.real*c2.real - c1.imag*c2.imag, c1.real*c2.imag + c1.imag*c2.real);
friend cmplx operator/(const cmplx& c1, const cmplx& c2) {
double d = c2.real*c2.real + c2.imag*c2.imag;
return cmplx((c1.real*c2.real + c1.imag*c2.imag) / d, (c1.imag*c2.real - c1.real*c2.imag) / d);
friend cmplx operator+(const cmplx& c, double d) {
return cmplx(c.real + d, c.imag);
friend cmplx operator-(const cmplx& c, double d) {
return cmplx(c.real - d, c.imag);
friend cmplx operator*(const cmplx& c, double d) {
return cmplx(c.real*d, c.imag*d);
friend cmplx operator/(const cmplx& c, double d) {
return cmplx(c.real/d, c.imag/d);
friend cmplx operator+(double d, const cmplx& c) {
return c + d;
friend cmplx operator-(double d, const cmplx& c) {
return cmplx(d) - c;
friend cmplx operator*(double d, const cmplx& c) {
return c*d;
friend cmplx operator/(double d, const cmplx& c) {
double d2 = c.real*c.real + c.imag*c.imag;
return cmplx(d*c.real/d2, -d*c.imag/d2);
friend istream& operator>>(istream& is, cmplx& c) {
is >> c.real >> c.imag;
return is;
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const cmplx& c) {
os << c.real << " + " << c.imag << "i";
return os;
friend cmplx sq(cmplx& c) {
return c*c;
friend cmplx cu(cmplx& c) {
return c*c*c;
int main() {
cmplx a(1, 2), b(3, 4);
cmplx c = a + b;
cmplx d = a - b;
cmplx e = a * b;
cmplx f = a / b;
cout << "a = " << a << endl;
cout << "b = " << b << endl;
cout << "a + b = " << c << endl;
cout << "a - b = " << d << endl;
cout << "a * b = " << e << endl;
cout << "a / b = " << f << endl;
cmplx g = a + 2.5;
cmplx h = 3.7 - b;
cmplx i = a * 1.5;
cmplx j = b / 2.0;
cout << "a + 2.5 = " << g << endl;
cout << "3.7 - b = " << h << endl;
cout << "a * 1.5 = " << i << endl;
cout << "b / 2.0 = " << j << endl;
cmplx k = 2.5 + a;
cmplx l = 3.7 - b;
cmplx m = 1.5 * a;
cmplx n = 2.0 / b;
cout << "2.5 + a = " << k << endl;
cout << "3.7 - b = " << l << endl;
cout << "1.5 * a = " << m << endl;
cout << "2.0 / b = " << n << endl;
cout << "a^2 = " << sq(a) << endl;
cout << "b^3 = " << cu(b) << endl;
return 0;
In this implementation, the cmplx struct has two private member variables for the real and imaginary parts. It also has a default constructor, a user constructor with a default value for the imaginary part, and a copy constructor. The struct defines arithmetic operators (+, -, *, /) for cmplx input and overloaded arithmetic operators for double input. It also defines input and output directives and friend math functions for square and cube.