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stm32 ADE7878
The STM32 ADE7878 is a high-precision energy metering IC designed for use in single-phase or three-phase electricity meters. It is equipped with advanced features such as multi-channel analog-to-digital converters (ADCs), digital signal processing (DSP), and a built-in energy calculation engine.
The ADE7878 has a wide dynamic range and can measure both active and reactive energy, as well as other parameters such as voltage, current, power factor, and frequency. It has a high level of accuracy and can operate over a wide temperature range, making it suitable for use in demanding industrial applications.
The ADE7878 also provides a variety of communication interfaces, including UART, SPI, and I2C, to enable easy integration with a wide range of microcontrollers and other devices. Additionally, it supports advanced power management features such as low-power modes and automatic calibration, which help to reduce overall system power consumption and improve system reliability. Overall, the STM32 ADE7878 is a powerful and versatile energy metering solution that can simplify the design of advanced energy monitoring and management systems.