python. os
时间: 2024-05-21 19:09:27 浏览: 96
python os os.path
### Python `os` 和 `os.path` 模块用法实例
#### 获取当前工作目录
为了获取程序运行时所在的文件夹位置,可以使用 `os.getcwd()` 函数。
import os
current_directory = os.getcwd()
print(f"Current Working Directory is {current_directory}")
#### 列出指定目录的内容
如果想要查看某个特定文件夹内的所有文件和子文件夹列表,则可调用 `os.listdir(path)` 方法[^4]。
directory_contents = os.listdir('.')
for item in directory_contents:
#### 创建新目录
当需要创建一个新的文件夹时,可以通过 `os.mkdir(directory_name)` 来实现单层结构的新建操作;而多级嵌套的文件夹则应该采用 `os.makedirs(new_directories_path)`。
new_folder = 'test_dir'
if not os.path.exists(new_folder):
nested_folders = './a/b/c/d/e/f/g/h/i/j/k/l/m/n/o/p/q/r/s/t/u/v/w/x/y/z'
except FileExistsError as e:
pass # 文件已存在时不处理异常
print('Directories created.')
#### 删除现有目录
对于不再使用的空文件夹,可以直接利用 `os.rmdir(folder_to_remove)` 进行移除。而对于含有内容的整个树形结构来说,则应当运用 `shutil.rmtree(non_empty_directory)` (注意这里引入了额外的标准库 shutil)[^1]。
from pathlib import Path
import shutil
empty_test_dir = "empty_test"
os.rmdir(empty_test_dir) # 只能删除空文件夹
non_empty_dir = "./temp/non-empty-dir/"
Path(non_empty_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
with open(os.path.join(non_empty_dir, "dummy.txt"), mode='w') as f:
f.write("Dummy file.")
shutil.rmtree(non_empty_dir) # 移除非空文件夹及其内部项
#### 处理路径字符串
`os.path` 提供了一系列工具函数来帮助解析、组合以及规范化不同平台上的文件系统路径:
- **拼接多个部分组成完整的路径**: 使用 `os.path.join(*paths)`
base = "/home/user/documents"
file_name = "example.docx"
full_path = os.path.join(base, file_name)
- **分离扩展名**: 调用 `os.path.splitext(file_with_extension)` 返回一对元组 `(root, ext)`
filename = '/path/to/file.ext'
name_without_ext, extension = os.path.splitext(filename)
print(name_without_ext, extension)
- **判断给定路径是否存在**: 应用 `os.path.exists(some_path)`
some_file_or_directory = '/etc/hosts'
exists = os.path.exists(some_file_or_directory)
print(f"'{some_file_or_directory}' exists:", exists)
- **检查是否为绝对路径**: 执行 `os.path.isabs(possible_absolute_path)`
relative_path = '../other/place/'
absolute_check = os.path.isabs(relative_path)
print(f"{relative_path} is absolute path? ", absolute_check)
以上就是关于 Python 中 `os` 和 `os.path` 的一些基本功能展示。这些模块提供了丰富的接口让开发者能够方便地与操作系统交互并管理文件资源。
python os.path
The `os.path` module in Python provides functions for working with file paths and directories. It includes functions for checking if a file or directory exists, joining paths together, splitting paths into their component parts, and more.
Some of the commonly used functions in `os.path` module are:
1. `os.path.join()`: This function joins one or more path components into a single path. For example, `os.path.join('/usr', 'bin', 'python')` will return the path `/usr/bin/python`.
2. `os.path.exists()`: This function checks if a file or directory exists. For example, `os.path.exists('/usr/bin/python')` will return `True` if the file exists, and `False` if it doesn't.
3. `os.path.abspath()`: This function returns the absolute path of a file or directory. For example, `os.path.abspath('file.txt')` will return the absolute path of the file `file.txt`.
4. `os.path.basename()`: This function returns the base name of a file or directory. For example, `os.path.basename('/usr/bin/python')` will return `python`.
5. `os.path.dirname()`: This function returns the directory name of a file or directory. For example, `os.path.dirname('/usr/bin/python')` will return `/usr/bin`.
6. `os.path.splitext()`: This function splits a file path into its base name and extension. For example, `os.path.splitext('file.txt')` will return `('file', '.txt')`.
These functions make it easy to work with file paths and directories in Python, allowing you to write more robust and flexible scripts.