时间: 2024-01-21 12:18:02 浏览: 186
from odbAccess import openOdb
import numpy as np
# Open the ODB file
odb = openOdb('path/to/odb')
# Get the assembly instance
assembly = odb.rootAssembly
# Get the step instance
step = odb.steps['Step-1']
# Get the history output request
historyOutput = step.historyRegions['Assembly ASSEMBLY'].historyOutputs['ALLAE']
# Get the stress and strain data
stressData = historyOutput.data
strainData = historyOutput.historyRegion.nodes[0].data
# Get the time and number of increments
time = stressData[:, 0]
increments = stressData.shape[0]
# Calculate the average stress and strain
avgStress = np.average(stressData[:, 1:], axis=1)
avgStrain = np.average(strainData[:, 1:], axis=1)
# Write the stress-strain data to a text file
with open('stress_strain.txt', 'w') as f:
f.write('Time (s)\tStress (MPa)\tStrain\n')
for i in range(increments):
f.write('{:.5f}\t{:.5f}\t{:.5f}\n'.format(time[i], avgStress[i], avgStrain[i]))
# Close the ODB file
这段代码假设整个结构是一个单一部件,并且在ODB文件中定义了名为“Assembly ASSEMBLY”的历史输出请求,其中包含所有应力和应变历史数据。`ALLAE`表示输出所有应力分量的历史数据。