时间: 2024-01-21 13:18:03 浏览: 207
from odbAccess import *
import numpy as np
# Open the output database
odb = openOdb('job_name.odb')
# Get the first step and frame
step = odb.steps['Step-1']
frame = step.frames[-1]
# Get the stress and strain data
stress_data = frame.fieldOutputs['S']
strain_data = frame.fieldOutputs['LE']
# Get the element set
set_name = 'ALL_ELEMENTS'
element_set = odb.rootAssembly.elementSets[set_name]
# Loop over the elements in the set and calculate the average stress and strain
n_elements = len(element_set.elements)
avg_stress = np.zeros((6,))
avg_strain = np.zeros((6,))
for elem in element_set.elements:
stress = stress_data.getSubset(region=elem).values[0].data
strain = strain_data.getSubset(region=elem).values[0].data
avg_stress += stress / n_elements
avg_strain += strain / n_elements
# Write the stress-strain data to a text file
with open('stress_strain.txt', 'w') as f:
f.write('# Average stress-strain data for element set {}\n'.format(set_name))
f.write('# Strain, Stress_xx, Stress_yy, Stress_zz, Stress_xy, Stress_yz, Stress_xz\n')
for i in range(len(avg_strain)):
f.write('{:.6f} {:.6f} {:.6f} {:.6f} {:.6f} {:.6f} {:.6f}\n'.format(
avg_strain[i], avg_stress[0], avg_stress[1], avg_stress[2], avg_stress[3], avg_stress[4], avg_stress[5]))
在上面的代码中,我们首先打开了输出数据库(假设其名称为 `job_name.odb`),然后获取了最后一帧的应力和应变数据。接下来,我们获取了一个包含所有元素的元素集,并计算了该集合中所有元素的平均应力和应变。最后,我们将应力应变数据写入文本文件 `stress_strain.txt` 中。
请注意,上述代码仅计算了一个时间步的平均应力应变曲线。如果您想要计算多个时间步的平均曲线,可以通过在循环中遍历每个时间步来实现。(即将“frame = step.frames[-1]”替换为“for frame in step.frames:”并在循环中计算平均值。)