a matrix E has independent Rademacher entries,matlab快速实现E与其他矩阵相乘的编程
时间: 2024-01-30 12:01:54 浏览: 99
% 生成一个大小为m*n的矩阵E,其元素为独立的Rademacher分布
m = 10; % 设置矩阵E的行数
n = 5; % 设置矩阵E的列数
E = 2*randi([0,1], m, n) - 1;
% 定义另一个矩阵A,大小为n*k
k = 3;
A = randn(n, k);
% 计算E和A的乘积
EA = E * A;
matlab constract an SRFT matrix S=D*F*E,where D is a diagonal projector onto s coordinates,E has independent Rademacher entries and F is a discrete cosine transform (DCT2)
Here is an example code in Matlab for constructing an SRFT matrix S:
% Define the size of the matrix
n = 8;
% Construct the diagonal matrix D
s = randn(n, 1); % set the s coordinates randomly
D = spdiags(s, 0, n, n);
% Construct the matrix E with independent Rademacher entries
E = sign(randn(n));
% Construct the matrix F using DCT2
F = dct2(eye(n));
% Construct the SRFT matrix S
S = D * F * E;
In this code, we first define the size of the matrix `n`. Then we construct the diagonal matrix `D` using the `spdiags` function, where we set the `s` coordinates randomly. Next, we construct the matrix `E` using the `sign` function to generate independent Rademacher entries. Finally, we construct the matrix `F` using the `dct2` function to perform the discrete cosine transform on the identity matrix. Finally, we compute the SRFT matrix `S` as the product of `D`, `F`, and `E`.
matlab 生成每个元素独立同分布服从 rademacher random variable 的矩阵
n = 5; % 矩阵大小
A = randi([0,1],n,n)*2-1; % 生成0/1随机矩阵,转换为+1/-1随机矩阵