时间: 2023-12-26 14:05:04 浏览: 113
subprocess.check_call is a Python method that is used to execute a command or a program in a new process. It is a blocking call, which means that the calling process will wait for the command to complete before continuing execution. If the command returns a non-zero exit status, a CalledProcessError will be raised. This method is commonly used for running shell commands in Python scripts.
subprocess.check_call(args, *, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, shell=False, cwd=None, timeout=None, encoding=None, errors=None)
- args: A string or a sequence containing the command to be executed and its arguments.
- stdin: A file-like object representing the standard input of the command. If None, the standard input is redirected to /dev/null.
- stdout: A file-like object representing the standard output of the command. If None, the standard output is redirected to /dev/null.
- stderr: A file-like object representing the standard error of the command. If None, the standard error is redirected to stdout.
- shell: A boolean value indicating whether the command should be executed in a shell or not. If True, the command is executed in a shell. If False, the command is executed directly.
- cwd: The working directory in which the command should be executed.
- timeout: The maximum amount of time in seconds that the command is allowed to run. If the command takes longer than the specified timeout, a TimeoutExpired error is raised.
- encoding: The character encoding to be used for the standard input, output, and error streams.
- errors: The error handling strategy to be used for the standard input, output, and error streams.
Return Value:
- This method returns None if the command is executed successfully. If the command returns a non-zero exit status, a CalledProcessError is raised.