错误使用 fitdist (line 126) X 必须为数值列向量。 出错 QX (line 5) pd = fitdist(log(data), 'Lognormal', 'Start', [mu, sigma]);% 绘制概率密度函数曲线
时间: 2024-03-25 11:38:46 浏览: 333
% 准备数据
x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
y = [0.1, 0.3, 0.4, 0.15, 0.05];
data = log([x', y']); % 将x和y组成一个矩阵,并将其转化为对数数据
% 拟合对数正态分布曲线
mu = mean(log(x)); % 对数正态分布的均值
sigma = std(log(x)); % 对数正态分布的标准差
pd = fitdist(data, 'Lognormal', 'Start', [mu, sigma]);
% 绘制概率密度函数曲线
x_vals = linspace(min(x), max(x), 100);
y_vals = pdf(pd, log(x_vals));
plot(x_vals, y_vals);
帮学段python代码生成30个随机数,这30个随机数服从均值为3,5,方差为0.05,0.3的lognormal分布mean = np.random.uniform(3, 5) # 生成均值在[3,5]范围内的随机数 std = np.random.choice([0.05, 0.3]) # 从集合{0.05,0.3}中随机选择一个标准差 duration = (np.random.lognormal(mean, std))已经写的是这样
5. 现代农业产业园和农业农村数字化进程:通过值和方差的lognormal分布的随机数。以下是修改后的代码示例:
import numpy as np
num_samples = 30
means = np.random.uniform(3, 5, num_samples) # 生成30个均调研现代农业产业园的建设和农业农村数字化进程,了解农村经济发值在[3,5]范围内的随机数
stds = np.random.choice([0.05, 0.展的新模式和新路径。结合可持续发展的理念,可以思考如何利用信息科3], num_samples) # 从集合{0.05,0.3}中随机选择30个标准差学与技术知识,推动现代农业产业园的规划和管理,促进农村经济的
data = []
for mean, std in zip(means, stds):
duration = np.random.lognormal(mean, std)
在上述代码中,我们使用了`np.random.uniform`函数生成30个均值在知识为实现可持续的乡村振兴发展贡献自己的作用。具体而言,我们[3,5]范围内的随机数,并使用`np.random.choice`函数从集合{0.05, 可以通过以下几个方面来发挥作用:
1. 技术创新:利用信息技术、大数据分0.3}中随机选择30个标准差。然后,通过循环遍历每个均值和标准差,使用`np.random.lognormal`函数生成服从lognormal分布的随机数,并将其添加到`data`析、人工智能等先进技术,开展智慧农业和数字农业的研究与应用,列表中。最后,输出`data`列表,即包含30个服从不同均值和方差的lognormal提高农业生产效率和质量,推动农村经济的可持续发展。
2. 数据管理分布的随机数。
Lognormal-LSTM is a type of neural network that combines the Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) architecture with the lognormal distribution. The lognormal distribution is a probability distribution that is commonly used to model positive data that has a skewed distribution.
The Lognormal-LSTM model is designed to address the limitations of traditional LSTMs in handling skewed and non-negative data. By incorporating the lognormal distribution, the model can better capture the underlying patterns and variability in the data.
The Lognormal-LSTM is particularly useful in financial modeling and prediction, where the data often has a skewed distribution and exhibits volatility. The model has been used in applications such as stock price prediction, option pricing, and risk analysis.
Overall, the Lognormal-LSTM is a powerful tool for analyzing and predicting data with skewed distributions, and has the potential to improve the accuracy of forecasts in a variety of fields.