from mayavi import mlab@mlab.animate(delay=100)def anim(): for i in range(10): mlab.clf() # 在这里添加你的绘图代码 yieldanim()怎么添加绘图代码
时间: 2023-04-12 08:01:37 浏览: 166
优化这段代码import pandas as pd from mayavi import mlab import numpy as np order = 7 def funcx(i): raw_data_para = pd.read_csv('D:\Tdata_outdoor20230316点云/第' + str(i + order) + '帧点云.csv') return np.asarray(raw_data_para['x']) def funcy(i): raw_data_para = pd.read_csv('D:\data_outdoor20230316点云/第' + str(i + order) + '帧点云.csv') return np.asarray(raw_data_para['y']) def funcz(i): raw_data_para = pd.read_csv('D:\data_outdoor20230316点云/第' + str(i + order) + '帧点云.csv') return np.asarray(raw_data_para['z']) fig = mlab.figure(bgcolor=(0, 0, 0), size=(640, 500)) raw_data = pd.read_csv('D:\data_outdoor20230316点云/第7帧点云.csv') x = np.asarray(raw_data['x']) y = np.asarray(raw_data['y']) z = np.asarray(raw_data['z']) a = mlab.points3d(y, x, z, # col, # Values used for Color color=(1, 1, 0), mode='point', scale_factor=10000, colormap='hsv', # figure=fig, ) @mlab.animate(delay=500, ui=True) def anim(): i = 1 while True: print(i) a.mlab_source.reset(x=funcx(i), y=funcy(i), z=funcz(i)) i += 1 yield anim()
1. 文件路径可以使用变量来表示,避免多次重复输入相同的路径。
2. 函数 funcx、funcy、funcz 中的代码重复度较高,可以将其合并为一个函数,通过参数来指定需要读取的列。
3. 可以使用 with 语句来打开文件,避免忘记关闭文件。
4. 可以使用列表推导式来简化代码。
import pandas as pd
from mayavi import mlab
import numpy as np
data_path = 'D:\data_outdoor20230316点云/第{}帧点云.csv'
def read_data(i, col):
with open(data_path.format(i), 'r') as f:
raw_data_para = pd.read_csv(f)
return np.asarray(raw_data_para[col])
order = 7
fig = mlab.figure(bgcolor=(0, 0, 0), size=(640, 500))
x, y, z = [read_data(order, col) for col in ['x', 'y', 'z']]
a = mlab.points3d(y, x, z,
from mayavi import mlab AttributeError: type object 'StyleHint' has no attribute 'AnyStyle'
This error typically occurs when there is an issue with the Mayavi installation or dependencies. Here are a few suggestions to troubleshoot and resolve this issue:
1. Check Mayavi version: Make sure you have the latest version of Mayavi installed. You can update it using pip:
pip install mayavi --upgrade
2. Check dependencies: Ensure that all the required dependencies for Mayavi are installed. You can check the official Mayavi documentation for the list of dependencies and install them accordingly.
3. Virtual environment: If you are working within a virtual environment, make sure that Mayavi and its dependencies are installed in that environment and not in the global Python environment.
4. Reinstall Mayavi: If the above steps don't resolve the issue, you can try uninstalling and reinstalling Mayavi to ensure a clean installation:
pip uninstall mayavi
pip install mayavi
If the problem persists, please provide more details about your environment (Python version, operating system, etc.) and any other relevant information.