时间: 2023-04-24 10:01:00 浏览: 86
ArrayList<Integer> 是 Java 中的一种数据类型,表示一个动态数组,其中存储了多个整数。ArrayList 类是 Java 的一种集合类,支持动态增长,可以方便地存储、检索和删除数据。
An ArrayList is a class in Java that provides a dynamic array implementation. It is part of the Java Collections Framework and is used to store a collection of objects. The ArrayList class is a generic class that can be used to store objects of any type.
The ArrayList<Integer> denotes an ArrayList that can only store objects of the Integer type. This is achieved through the use of Java generics, which allows the type of objects stored in a collection to be specified at compile time.
Here's an example of how to create an ArrayList<Integer>:
ArrayList<Integer> myList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
This creates a new ArrayList that can store objects of the Integer type. The ArrayList is initially empty, and elements can be added using the `add()` method:
This adds the integers 1, 2, and 3 to the ArrayList. The `size()` method can be used to get the number of elements in the ArrayList:
int size = myList.size(); // size is now 3
Elements can be retrieved from the ArrayList using the `get()` method:
int element = myList.get(0); // element is now 1
This retrieves the first element in the ArrayList (at index 0) and stores it in the `element` variable.
下列集合对象创建正确的是() ArrayList<int> list = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<> list = new ArrayList<Integer>(); ArrayList<Object> list4 = new ArrayList<Integer>();
ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList<int> list = new ArrayList<>(); - 错误,基本类型int不能用作泛型参数。
ArrayList<> list = new ArrayList<Integer>(); - 错误,尖括号内必须指定泛型的类型。
ArrayList<Object> list4 = new ArrayList<Integer>(); - 错误,泛型类型必须匹配,不能将一个泛型类的对象赋值给另一个泛型类的引用。