#define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS 1 #ifndef __CONTACT_H_ #define __CONTACT_H_ #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<string.h> #define PEO_MAX 30 #define STUID_MAX 10 #define NAME_MAX 20 #define SEX_MAX 10 #define TEL_MAX 15 typedef struct People { char id[STUID_MAX]; char name[NAME_MAX]; char sex[SEX_MAX]; char tel[TEL_MAX]; }*peo; typedef struct Contact { int count; struct People people[PEO_MAX]; }*pCon; void add_peo(pCon pcon); //添加联系人信息 void show_peo(pCon pcon); //显示指定联系人信息 void find_peo(pCon pcon); //查找联系人信息 void modify_peo(pCon pcon); //修改指定联系人信息 void clear_peo(pCon pcon); //清空联系人信息 void show_menu(); //菜单显示 #endif int search(pCon pcon, char *name) { int i = 0; for (i=0; i < pcon->count; i++) { if (strcmp(name, pcon->people[i].name) == 0) return i; } return -1; } void add_peo(pCon pcon) //添加联系人 { if (pcon->count == PEO_MAX) { printf("The contact has fullen."); return; } printf("please input studentID: "); scanf("%s",(pcon->people[pcon->count]).id); printf("please input name: "); scanf("%s", (pcon->people[pcon->count]).name); printf("please input sex : "); scanf("%s", (pcon->people[pcon->count]).sex); printf("please input tel: "); scanf("%s", (pcon->people[pcon->count]).tel); pcon->count++; } void show_peo(pCon pcon)//显示联系人 { int i = 0; for (; i < pcon->count; i++) { printf("studentID name sex tel \n"); printf("%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", pcon->people[i].id, pcon->people[i].name, pcon->people[i].sex, pcon->people[i].tel); } } void find_peo(pCon pcon) //查找联系人信息 { int i; char name[NAME_MAX]; printf("please input the people you want to find:"); scanf("%s", name); i = search(pcon, name); if (i == -1) printf("The people doesn't exsit.\n"); else printf("%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", pcon->people[i].id, pcon->people[i].name, pcon->people[i].sex, pcon->people[i].tel); } void modify_peo(pCon pcon) //修改指定联系人信息 { int i; char name[NAME_MAX]; printf("please input the people you want to modify:"); scanf("%s", name); i = search(pcon, name); if (i == -1) printf("The people doesn't exsit.\n"); else printf("please input studentID: "); scanf("%s", (pcon->people[i]).id); printf("please input name: "); scanf("%s", (pcon->people[i]).name); printf("please input sex : "); scanf("%s", (pcon->people[i]).sex); printf("please input tel: "); scanf("%s", (pcon->people[i]).tel); } void clear_peo(pCon pcon) //清空联系人 { pcon->count = 0; } void show_menu() //菜单显示 { printf("==========通讯录==========\n"); printf(" \n"); printf("*******[1]显示通讯录******\n"); printf("*******[2]查 询******\n"); printf("*******[3]修 改******\n"); printf("*******[4]结 束******\n"); } int main() { struct Contact my_contact; int input = 1; my_contact.count = 0; while (input) { show_menu(); printf("please input:"); scanf("%d", &input;); switch (input) { case 1: add_peo(&my;_contact); break; case 2: show_peo(&my;_contact); break; case 3: find_peo(&my;_contact); break; case 4: modify_peo(&my;_contact); break; case 5: clear_peo(&my;_contact); break; default: break; } } return 0; }