case when ISNULL(A1,'')='' then (case when A2= 0 then A3 else A2 end) else A1 end这段列有什么问题
时间: 2023-10-25 20:38:31 浏览: 148
这段 SQL 列的语法是正确的,但需要考虑以下几点:
1. 该语句中使用了 ISNULL 函数,这意味着 A1 列可能为空。如果 A1 列为空,则该列将返回 A2 或 A3 的值,具体取决于 A2 是否等于 0。
2. 在该语句中,A2 和 A3 列之间存在条件语句。如果 A2 列等于 0,则返回 A3 列的值,否则返回 A2 列的值。
3. 该语句中使用了嵌套的 CASE 语句。注意在使用嵌套的 CASE 语句时,一定要保证每个 CASE 都有对应的 END 关键字。
需要注意的是,这段代码中存在一些可能会导致错误的情况,如 A1 列本身就是一个空字符串,这种情况下该语句将返回空字符串。因此,在实际使用中,需要根据具体情况进行调整和优化。
请详细解释这段代码with a0 as ( select case when prodlinename in ('冷柜', '冰箱') then '制冷' when prodlinename in ('商空') then '楼宇' when prodlinename in ('家空') then '空调' else prodlinename end industry, mouldno, cast(avgintervals as double) as avgintervals, pt from dl_yf_seq.tt_hmzy_haier_mould_iot_fenqu where avgintervals is not null and avgintervals not in('', '0', '0.0') and prodlinename in('冷柜', '冰箱', '商空', '家空', '厨电', '洗涤', '热水器') and substr(pt, 1, 4) = from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(), 'yyyy') ), a1 as ( select model_code, cast(ratedcycle as double) as ratedcycle from dh_yf.dim_udo_model_dim_asset where ratedCycle is not null and ratedCycle not in('', '/', '0', '0.0') ), a2 as ( select industry, mouldno, avgintervals, b.ratedcycle, case when avgintervals<= ratedCycle then 1 else 0 end db, pt from a0 a left join a1 b on a.mouldno = b.model_code ), a3 as ( select pt, industry, count(mouldno) as kj_module_num, sum(db) as db_module_num from a2 group by pt, industry ) insert OVERWRITE table dh_yf.tg_dim_udo_model_scxldb select pt, industry, cast(kj_module_num as string) kj_module_num, cast(db_module_num as string) db_module_num, from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(),'yyyyMMdd') as dh_etl_date from a3
这段代码是一个 SQL 查询语句,用于从表 dl_yf_seq.tt_hmzy_haier_mould_iot_fenqu 和 dh_yf.dim_udo_model_dim_asset 中获取数据,然后将数据处理后插入到 dh_yf.tg_dim_udo_model_scxldb 表中。
首先,使用子查询 a0 对表 dl_yf_seq.tt_hmzy_haier_mould_iot_fenqu 进行筛选,将 prodlinename 字段中的值为 '冷柜' 和 '冰箱' 的行的 industry 字段设为 '制冷',将 prodlinename 字段中的值为 '商空' 的行的 industry 字段设为 '楼宇',将 prodlinename 字段中的值为 '家空' 的行的 industry 字段设为 '空调',其余行的 industry 字段保持不变。然后从筛选后的结果中选取 mouldno、avgintervals 和 pt 字段。
接着,使用子查询 a1 对表 dh_yf.dim_udo_model_dim_asset 进行筛选,选取 model_code 和 ratedcycle 字段,并将 ratedcycle 字段中的非空非零值转换为 double 类型。
然后,使用子查询 a2 对 a0 和 a1 的结果进行左连接,选取 industry、mouldno、avgintervals、b.ratedcycle 和 pt 字段,并增加一个名为 db 的字段。如果 avgintervals 小于等于 ratedCycle,则 db 字段为 1,否则为 0。
最后,使用子查询 a3 对 a2 的结果进行聚合操作,选取 pt、industry、count(mouldno) 和 sum(db) 字段,并将结果插入到表 dh_yf.tg_dim_udo_model_scxldb 中,同时将 dh_etl_date 字段设为当前日期。
请详细解释下这段代码with a0 as ( select case when prodlinename in ('冷柜', '冰箱') then '制冷' when prodlinename in ('商空') then '楼宇' when prodlinename in ('家空') then '空调' else prodlinename end industry, mouldno, cast(avgintervals as double) as avgintervals, pt from dl_yf_seq.tt_hmzy_haier_mould_iot_fenqu where avgintervals is not null and avgintervals not in('', '0', '0.0') and prodlinename in('冷柜', '冰箱', '商空', '家空', '厨电', '洗涤', '热水器') and substr(pt, 1, 4) = from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(), 'yyyy') ), a1 as ( select model_code, cast(ratedcycle as double) as ratedcycle from dh_yf.dim_udo_model_dim_asset where ratedCycle is not null and ratedCycle not in('', '/', '0', '0.0') ), a2 as ( select industry, mouldno, avgintervals, b.ratedcycle, case when avgintervals<= ratedCycle then 1 else 0 end db, pt from a0 a left join a1 b on a.mouldno = b.model_code ), a3 as ( select pt, industry, count(mouldno) as kj_module_num, sum(db) as db_module_num from a2 group by pt, industry ) insert OVERWRITE table dh_yf.tg_dim_udo_model_scxldb select pt, industry, cast(kj_module_num as string) kj_module_num, cast(db_module_num as string) db_module_num, from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(),'yyyyMMdd') as dh_etl_date from a3