时间: 2024-10-11 07:17:54 浏览: 41
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
// 计算样本的幅度并转为dB
double sample_to_dB(short sample) {
float magnitude = ((float)sample) / (float)(1 << 15); // 转换为0到1范围内的浮点数
return 20 * log10(magnitude); // 对数计算分贝值
int main() {
const int sample_rate = 44100;
short pcm_data[/*假设数据长度*/]; // 单声道数据
int data_length = sizeof(pcm_data) / sizeof(short);
for (int i = 0; i < data_length; ++i) {
double db_value = sample_to_dB(pcm_data[i]);
if (db_value > 100) { // 如果超过最大分贝
printf("Sample %d is at dB level beyond the limit (100). Adjust accordingly.\n", i);
db_value = 100;
} else if (db_value < 0) { // 如果低于最小分贝
printf("Sample %d is at dB level below the limit (0). Set to 0.\n", i);
db_value = 0;
// 打印当前样本的dB值
printf("Sample %d: %.2f dB\n", i, db_value);
return 0;