"config": { "commitizen": { "path": "./node_modules/cz-conventional-changelog" }, "validate-commit-msg": { "types": [ "feat", "fix", "docs", "style", "refactor", "perf", "test", "build", "ci", "chore", "revert" ], "scope": { "required": false, "allowed": [ "*" ], "validate": false, "multiple": false }, "warnOnFail": false, "maxSubjectLength": 100, "subjectPattern": ".+", "subjectPatternErrorMsg": "subject does not match subject pattern!", "helpMessage": "", "autoFix": false } }, "lint-staged": { "*.{js,vue,ts,jsx,tsx}": [ "eslint --fix --ext .js --ext .ts --ext .vue src/" ] }解释一下这些在package.json中是什么意思,有什么用

时间: 2023-08-23 13:06:29 浏览: 52
这段代码是一个示例的 package.json 配置,其中包含了以下几个部分: 1. config.commitizen:这个属性定义了使用哪个 Commitizen adapter 来生成符合规范的提交消息,示例中使用的是 cz-conventional-changelog。 2. config.validate-commit-msg:这个属性定义了如何验证提交消息是否符合规范。其中: - types:定义了可以接受的提交类型。 - scope:定义了可以接受的作用域(可选),以及是否需要作用域。 - warnOnFail:定义了是否在验证失败时给出警告。 - maxSubjectLength:定义了提交消息主题的最大长度。 - subjectPattern:定义了提交消息主题的正则表达式。 - subjectPatternErrorMsg:定义了提交消息主题不符合规则时的错误提示信息。 - helpMessage:定义了帮助信息。 - autoFix:定义了是否自动修复提交消息。 3. lint-staged:这个属性定义了如何在提交代码前对代码进行 lint 检查。示例中使用的是 eslint,同时只对 js、vue、ts、jsx、tsx 文件进行检查,并在检查后自动修复其中的错误。 这些配置的作用是使得项目的提交消息符合规范,并在提交代码前对代码进行 lint 检查,从而提高代码的质量和可维护性。

npm WARN ERESOLVE overriding peer dependency npm WARN ERESOLVE overriding peer dependency [###...............] / idealTree:yargs: timing idealTree:node_modules/.pnpm/@babel+preset-modules@0.1.5_@babel+core@7[###...............] / idealTree:@commitlint/config-conventional: timing idealTree:node_modules/.pnpm/@commitlint+con[###...............] | idealTree:@commitlint/read: timing idealTree:node_modules/.pnpm/@commitlint+read@17.5.1/node_m[###...............] | idealTree:@commitlint/read: timing idealTree:node_modules/.pnpm/@commitlint+read@17.5.1/node_m[###...............] - idealTree:@commitlint/read: timing idealTree:node_modules/.pnpm/@commitlint+read@17.5.1/node_m[###...............] | idealTree:@commitlint/read: timing idealTree:node_modules/.pnpm/@commitlint+read@17.5.1/node_m[##................] \ idealTree:loader-utils: sill placeDep node_modules/.pnpm/@cspotcode+source-map-support@0.8.1 j[##................] - idealTree:karma-coverage: sill placeDep node_modules/.pnpm/@eslint+eslintrc@2.0.3/node_modules[##................] | idealTree:sinon: sill placeDep node_modules/.pnpm/@eslint+eslintrc@2.0.3 supports-color@7.2.0 [##................] / idealTree:espree: timing idealTree:node_modules/.pnpm/@gar+promisify@1.1.3/node_modules/@gar/p[##................] - idealTree:espree: timing idealTree:node_modules/.pnpm/@gar+promisify@1.1.3/node_modules/@gar/p[##................] \ idealTree:xo: sill placeDep node_modules/.pnpm/@gar+promisify@1.1.3/node_modules/@gar/promisif[##................] \ idealTree:xo: sill placeDep node_modules/.pnpm/@gar+promisify@1.1.3/node_modules/@gar/promisif[##................] / idealTree:xo: sill placeDep node_modules/.pnpm/@gar+promisify@1.1.3/node_modules/@gar/promisif[##................] / idealTree:xo: sill placeDep node_modules/.pnpm/@gar+promisify@1.1.3/node_modules/@gar/promisif[##................] | idealTree:xo: sill placeDep node_modules/.pnpm/@gar+promisify@1.1.3/node_modules/@gar/promisif[##................] \ idealTree:c8: timing idealTree:node_modules/.pnpm/@humanwhocodes+module-importer@1.0.1/node_mo[##................] / idealTree:@iconify-json/carbon: timing idealTree:node_modules/.pnpm/@iconify-json+carbon@1.1.1[##................] / idealTree:@iconify-json/carbon: timing idealTree:node_modules/.pnpm/@iconify-json+carbon@1.1.1

这是一个npm警告,警告信息中显示有重复或覆盖的依赖项。这可能会导致一些依赖关系冲突或不一致性。在处理此问题之前,我需要更多的上下文信息。 请提供以下信息: 1. 你正在尝试安装或更新哪个包? 2. 你的操作系统和Node.js版本是多少? 3. 你是否使用了特定的npm命令或选项? 4. 是否有其他警告或错误信息? 提供更多信息后,我将尽力帮助你解决这个问题。

"config": { "commitizen": { "path": "cz-conventional-changelog" } }这个写法代表什么

这段代码是在配置文件中的一部分,用于设置 `commitizen` 和 `cz-conventional-changelog` 的路径。`commitizen` 是一个工具,用于规范化提交消息的格式,而 `cz-conventional-changelog` 则是一个符合常规变更日志格式的提交消息规范。通过设置这个路径,可以告诉系统在执行提交操作时使用特定的规范。


feScore - EPA Fuel Economy Score (负1 = Not available) fuelCost08 - annual fuel cost for fuelType1 ($) (7) fuelCostA08 - annual fuel cost for fuelType2 ($) (7) fuelType - fuel type with fuelType1 and fuelType2 (if applicable) fuelType1 - fuel type 1. For single fuel vehicles, this will be the only fuel. For dual fuel vehicles, this will be the conventional fuel. fuelType2 - fuel type 2. For dual fuel vehicles, this will be the alternative fuel (e.g. E85, Electricity, CNG, LPG). For single fuel vehicles, this field is not used ghgScore - EPA GHG score (负1 = Not available) ghgScoreA - EPA GHG score for dual fuel vehicle running on the alternative fuel (负1 = Not available) guzzler- if G or T, this vehicle is subject to the gas guzzler tax highway08 - highway MPG for fuelType1 (2) highway08U - unrounded highway MPG for fuelType1 (2), (3) highwayA08 - highway MPG for fuelType2 (2) highwayA08U - unrounded highway MPG for fuelType2 (2),(3) highwayCD - highway gasoline consumption (gallons/100miles) in charge depleting mode (4) highwayE - highway electricity consumption in kwhrs/100 miles highwayUF - EPA highway utility factor (share of electricity) for PHEV hlv - hatchback luggage volume (cubic feet) (8) hpv - hatchback passenger volume (cubic feet) (8) id - vehicle record id lv2 - 2 door luggage volume (cubic feet) (8) lv4 - 4 door luggage volume (cubic feet) (8) make - manufacturer (division) mfrCode - 3character manufacturer code model - model name (carline) mpgData - has Your MPG data; see yourMpgVehicle and yourMpgDriverVehicle phevBlended - if true, this vehicle operates on a blend of gasoline and electricity in charge depleting mode pv2 - 2door passenger volume (cubic feet) (8) pv4 - 4door passenger volume (cubic feet) (8) rangeA - EPA range for fuelType2 rangeCityA - EPA city range for fuelType2 rangeHwyA - EPA highway range for fuelType2 trans_dscr - transmission descriptor; see http://www.fueleconomy.gov/feg/findacarhelp.shtml#trany trany - transmission UCity - unadjusted city MPG for fuelType1; see the description of the EPA test procedures UCityA - unadjusted city MPG for fuelType2; see the description of the EPA test procedures UHighway - unadjusted highway MPG for fuelType1; see the description of the EPA test procedures UHighwayA - unadjusted highway MPG for fuelType2; see the description of the EPA test procedures VClass - EPA vehicle size class year - model year youSaveSpend - you save/spend over 5 years compared to an average car ($). Savings are positive; a greater amount spent yields a negative number. For dual fuel vehicles, this is the cost savings for gasoline. sCharger - if S, this vehicle is supercharged tCharger - if T, this vehicle is turbocharged翻译

Please revise the paper:Accurate determination of bathymetric data in the shallow water zone over time and space is of increasing significance for navigation safety, monitoring of sea-level uplift, coastal areas management, and marine transportation. Satellite-derived bathymetry (SDB) is widely accepted as an effective alternative to conventional acoustics measurements over coastal areas with high spatial and temporal resolution combined with extensive repetitive coverage. Numerous empirical SDB approaches in previous works are unsuitable for precision bathymetry mapping in various scenarios, owing to the assumption of homogeneous bottom over the whole region, as well as the limitations of constructing global mapping relationships between water depth and blue-green reflectance takes no account of various confounding factors of radiance attenuation such as turbidity. To address the assumption failure of uniform bottom conditions and imperfect consideration of influence factors on the performance of the SDB model, this work proposes a bottom-type adaptive-based SDB approach (BA-SDB) to obtain accurate depth estimation over different sediments. The bottom type can be adaptively segmented by clustering based on bottom reflectance. For each sediment category, a PSO-LightGBM algorithm for depth derivation considering multiple influencing factors is driven to adaptively select the optimal influence factors and model parameters simultaneously. Water turbidity features beyond the traditional impact factors are incorporated in these regression models. Compared with log-ratio, multi-band and classical machine learning methods, the new approach produced the most accurate results with RMSE value is 0.85 m, in terms of different sediments and water depths combined with in-situ observations of airborne laser bathymetry and multi-beam echo sounder.








管理Boualem Benatallah引用此版本:布阿利姆·贝纳塔拉。管理建模和仿真。约瑟夫-傅立叶大学-格勒诺布尔第一大学,1996年。法语。NNT:电话:00345357HAL ID:电话:00345357https://theses.hal.science/tel-003453572008年12月9日提交HAL是一个多学科的开放存取档案馆,用于存放和传播科学研究论文,无论它们是否被公开。论文可以来自法国或国外的教学和研究机构,也可以来自公共或私人研究中心。L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire


![实现实时数据湖架构:Kafka与Hive集成](https://img-blog.csdnimg.cn/img_convert/10eb2e6972b3b6086286fc64c0b3ee41.jpeg) # 1. 实时数据湖架构概述** 实时数据湖是一种现代数据管理架构,它允许企业以低延迟的方式收集、存储和处理大量数据。与传统数据仓库不同,实时数据湖不依赖于预先定义的模式,而是采用灵活的架构,可以处理各种数据类型和格式。这种架构为企业提供了以下优势: - **实时洞察:**实时数据湖允许企业访问最新的数据,从而做出更明智的决策。 - **数据民主化:**实时数据湖使各种利益相关者都可


以下是用matlab绘制高斯色噪声情况下频率估计CRLB的代码: ```matlab % 参数设置 N = 100; % 信号长度 se = 0.5; % 噪声方差 w = zeros(N,1); % 高斯色噪声 w(1) = randn(1)*sqrt(se); for n = 2:N w(n) = 0.8*w(n-1) + randn(1)*sqrt(se); end % 计算频率估计CRLB fs = 1; % 采样频率 df = 0.01; % 频率分辨率 f = 0:df:fs/2; % 频率范围 M = length(f); CRLB = zeros(M,1); for

JSBSim Reference Manual



多样性她- 事实上SCI NCES你的时间表ECOLEDO C Tora SC和NCESPOUR l’Ingén学习互动,互动学习以行动为中心的强化学习学会互动,互动学习,以行动为中心的强化学习计算机科学博士论文于2021年9月28日在Villeneuve d'Asq公开支持马修·瑟林评审团主席法布里斯·勒菲弗尔阿维尼翁大学教授论文指导奥利维尔·皮耶昆谷歌研究教授:智囊团论文联合主任菲利普·普雷教授,大学。里尔/CRISTAL/因里亚报告员奥利维耶·西格德索邦大学报告员卢多维奇·德诺耶教授,Facebook /索邦大学审查员越南圣迈IMT Atlantic高级讲师邀请弗洛里安·斯特鲁布博士,Deepmind对于那些及时看到自己错误的人...3谢谢你首先,我要感谢我的两位博士生导师Olivier和Philippe。奥利维尔,"站在巨人的肩膀上"这句话对你来说完全有意义了。从科学上讲,你知道在这篇论文的(许多)错误中,你是我可以依


![实现实时监控告警系统:Kafka与Grafana整合](https://imgconvert.csdnimg.cn/aHR0cHM6Ly9tbWJpei5xcGljLmNuL21tYml6X2pwZy9BVldpY3ladXVDbEZpY1pLWmw2bUVaWXFUcEdLT1VDdkxRSmQxZXB5R1lxaWNlUjA2c0hFek5Qc3FyRktudFF1VDMxQVl3QTRXV2lhSWFRMEFRc0I1cW1ZOGcvNjQw?x-oss-process=image/format,png) # 1.1 Kafka集群架构 Kafka集群由多个称为代理的服务器组成,这


可能是因为Excel中的列被格式化为数字,而数字前导的0被省略了。可以在Excel中将列的格式更改为文本,这样就会保留数字前导的0。另外,在Python中读取Excel时,可以将列的数据类型指定为字符串,这样就可以保留数字前导的0。例如: ```python import pandas as pd # 读取Excel文件 df = pd.read_excel('data.xlsx', dtype={'列名': str}) # 输出列数据 print(df['列名']) ``` 其中,`dtype={'列名': str}`表示将列名为“列名”的列的数据类型指定为字符串。

c++校园超市商品信息管理系统课程设计说明书(含源代码) (2).pdf

校园超市商品信息管理系统课程设计旨在帮助学生深入理解程序设计的基础知识,同时锻炼他们的实际操作能力。通过设计和实现一个校园超市商品信息管理系统,学生掌握了如何利用计算机科学与技术知识解决实际问题的能力。在课程设计过程中,学生需要对超市商品和销售员的关系进行有效管理,使系统功能更全面、实用,从而提高用户体验和便利性。 学生在课程设计过程中展现了积极的学习态度和纪律,没有缺勤情况,演示过程流畅且作品具有很强的使用价值。设计报告完整详细,展现了对问题的深入思考和解决能力。在答辩环节中,学生能够自信地回答问题,展示出扎实的专业知识和逻辑思维能力。教师对学生的表现予以肯定,认为学生在课程设计中表现出色,值得称赞。 整个课程设计过程包括平时成绩、报告成绩和演示与答辩成绩三个部分,其中平时表现占比20%,报告成绩占比40%,演示与答辩成绩占比40%。通过这三个部分的综合评定,最终为学生总成绩提供参考。总评分以百分制计算,全面评估学生在课程设计中的各项表现,最终为学生提供综合评价和反馈意见。 通过校园超市商品信息管理系统课程设计,学生不仅提升了对程序设计基础知识的理解与应用能力,同时也增强了团队协作和沟通能力。这一过程旨在培养学生综合运用技术解决问题的能力,为其未来的专业发展打下坚实基础。学生在进行校园超市商品信息管理系统课程设计过程中,不仅获得了理论知识的提升,同时也锻炼了实践能力和创新思维,为其未来的职业发展奠定了坚实基础。 校园超市商品信息管理系统课程设计的目的在于促进学生对程序设计基础知识的深入理解与掌握,同时培养学生解决实际问题的能力。通过对系统功能和用户需求的全面考量,学生设计了一个实用、高效的校园超市商品信息管理系统,为用户提供了更便捷、更高效的管理和使用体验。 综上所述,校园超市商品信息管理系统课程设计是一项旨在提升学生综合能力和实践技能的重要教学活动。通过此次设计,学生不仅深化了对程序设计基础知识的理解,还培养了解决实际问题的能力和团队合作精神。这一过程将为学生未来的专业发展提供坚实基础,使其在实际工作中能够胜任更多挑战。