Duplicated key 'favoriteCount' vue/no-dupe-keys
时间: 2024-05-30 14:15:33 浏览: 88
This warning message is from Vue.js and it indicates that the same key has been used multiple times in a Vue.js template. Each element in a Vue.js template should have a unique key attribute.
To fix this warning, you need to go through your Vue.js template and make sure that each element has a unique key attribute. If you have multiple elements with the same key attribute, you can either remove the duplicates or make the key attribute unique by appending a unique identifier to it.
For example, if you have two elements with the key attribute "favoriteCount", you can rename them to "favoriteCount1" and "favoriteCount2" to make them unique.
Once you have fixed the duplicate key issue, the warning message should disappear.