AttributeError: module 'sqlalchemy.orm' has no attribute 'DeclarativeMeta'
This error occurs when the code tries to use the "DeclarativeMeta" attribute from the "sqlalchemy.orm" module, but this attribute does not exist in the module.
To solve this error, you can try the following steps:
Check if you have imported the correct modules and classes in your code. Make sure that you have imported the "declarative_base" function from the "sqlalchemy.ext.declarative" module instead of the "DeclarativeMeta" attribute from the "sqlalchemy.orm" module.
Check if you have installed the latest version of SQLAlchemy. You can update the package by running the following command in your terminal: "pip install --upgrade sqlalchemy".
If the above steps do not work, you can try importing the "DeclarativeMeta" attribute directly from the "sqlalchemy.ext.declarative.api" module: "from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative.api import DeclarativeMeta".