matlab语言中population = init_population是什么意思
时间: 2023-09-19 20:12:56 浏览: 154
在MATLAB语言中,population = init_population是将一个名为init_population的变量的值赋给名为population的变量。通常情况下,这种语法用于初始化一个种群,其中init_population是种群的初始值,而population是种群的当前值。在遗传算法等优化算法中,种群是指一组可能的解决方案,而这些解决方案在每次迭代中被更新和优化。
将这段matlab代码转化成python代码:// Init.m function population = Init(N) global Global empty.decs = []; empty.objs = []; empty.cons = []; population = repmat(empty,1,N); for i=1:N population(i).decs = [randperm(Global.num_satellite,Global.num_satellite) ... randi([1,Global.num_ground],1,Global.num_satellite)]; end population = CalObj(population);
import random
from global_var import Global # assuming Global is defined in a separate file
def Init(N):
global Global
empty = {'decs': [], 'objs': [], 'cons': []}
population = [empty.copy() for i in range(N)]
for i in range(N):
# concatenate a random permutation of Global.num_satellite with Global.num_ground random numbers
population[i]['decs'] = list(random.sample(range(1, Global.num_satellite+1), Global.num_satellite)) + \
[random.randint(1, Global.num_ground) for _ in range(Global.num_satellite)]
population = CalObj(population)
return population
IDPSP问题 matlab代码
function [best_solution, best_fitness] = idpsp_ga(customers, n_vehicles, vehicle_capacity, max_time, n_generations, pop_size, mutation_rate, crossover_rate)
% IDPSP problem solution using genetic algorithm
% customers: (n x 3) matrix, with columns (x, y, demand), where
% n is the number of customers, x and y are the coordinates of the customer,
% and demand is the amount of goods that the customer needs to be delivered.
% n_vehicles: the number of vehicles available for the deliveries
% vehicle_capacity: the maximum capacity of each vehicle
% max_time: the maximum time for each vehicle to complete its deliveries
% n_generations: the number of generations for the genetic algorithm
% pop_size: the size of the population for the genetic algorithm
% mutation_rate: the mutation rate for the genetic algorithm
% crossover_rate: the crossover rate for the genetic algorithm
n_customers = size(customers, 1);
% Calculate the distances between all pairs of customers
distances = zeros(n_customers, n_customers);
for i = 1:n_customers
for j = 1:n_customers
distances(i, j) = sqrt((customers(i, 1) - customers(j, 1))^2 + (customers(i, 2) - customers(j, 2))^2);
% Initialize the population
pop = init_pop(n_customers, n_vehicles, vehicle_capacity);
% Evaluate the fitness of each individual in the population
fitness = eval_fitness(pop, distances, customers, n_vehicles, vehicle_capacity, max_time);
% Keep track of the best solution and its fitness
[best_fitness, best_idx] = min(fitness);
best_solution = pop(best_idx, :);
% Start the genetic algorithm
for i = 1:n_generations
% Select parents for crossover
parents = select_parents(pop, fitness);
% Perform crossover
offspring = crossover(parents, crossover_rate);
% Perform mutation
offspring = mutate(offspring, mutation_rate);
% Evaluate the fitness of the offspring
offspring_fitness = eval_fitness(offspring, distances, customers, n_vehicles, vehicle_capacity, max_time);
% Merge the offspring with the current population
pop = [pop; offspring];
fitness = [fitness offspring_fitness];
% Perform elitism (keep the best individuals from the previous generation)
[fitness, idx] = sort(fitness);
pop = pop(idx, :);
pop = pop(1:pop_size, :);
fitness = fitness(1:pop_size);
% Update the best solution if necessary
[min_fitness, min_idx] = min(fitness);
if min_fitness < best_fitness
best_fitness = min_fitness;
best_solution = pop(min_idx, :);
% Print the best fitness so far
fprintf('Generation %d: Best fitness = %f\n', i, best_fitness);
function pop = init_pop(n_customers, n_vehicles, vehicle_capacity)
% Initialize the population
pop = zeros(n_vehicles, n_customers);
for i = 1:n_vehicles
% Randomly assign customers to each vehicle until the capacity is reached
capacity_left = vehicle_capacity;
while capacity_left > 0
j = randi(n_customers);
if capacity_left >= customers(j, 3) && sum(pop(:, j)) == 0
pop(i, j) = 1;
capacity_left = capacity_left - customers(j, 3);
function fitness = eval_fitness(pop, distances, customers, n_vehicles, vehicle_capacity, max_time)
% Evaluate the fitness of each individual in the population
n_customers = size(customers, 1);
% Calculate the total distance and time for each vehicle
total_distance = zeros(n_vehicles, 1);
total_time = zeros(n_vehicles, 1);
for i = 1:n_vehicles
route = find(pop(i, :));
for j = 1:length(route)-1
total_distance(i) = total_distance(i) + distances(route(j), route(j+1));
total_time(i) = total_time(i) + distances(route(j), route(j+1));
% Calculate the waiting time for each customer
waiting_time = zeros(n_customers, 1);
for i = 1:n_customers
if sum(pop(:, i)) > 0
route = find(pop(:, i));
arrival_time = total_time(route(1:end-1)) + distances(route(1:end-1), i);
waiting_time(i) = max(customers(i, 4) - arrival_time, 0);
% Calculate the fitness of each solution
fitness = max(total_distance) + sum(waiting_time) + max(total_time) - max_time;
function parents = select_parents(pop, fitness)
% Select parents for crossover using roulette wheel selection
n_parents = size(pop, 1);
parents = zeros(n_parents, size(pop, 2));
% Calculate the selection probabilities
prob = fitness / sum(fitness);
% Choose the parents using roulette wheel selection
for i = 1:n_parents
r = rand();
cum_prob = 0;
for j = 1:length(prob)
cum_prob = cum_prob + prob(j);
if r <= cum_prob
parents(i, :) = pop(j, :);
function offspring = crossover(parents, crossover_rate)
% Perform crossover using one-point crossover
n_parents = size(parents, 1);
n_genes = size(parents, 2);
offspring = zeros(n_parents, n_genes);
for i = 1:n_parents/2
if rand() <= crossover_rate
% Choose a crossover point
crossover_point = randi(n_genes-1);
% Perform one-point crossover
offspring(2*i-1, :) = [parents(2*i-1, 1:crossover_point) parents(2*i, crossover_point+1:end)];
offspring(2*i, :) = [parents(2*i, 1:crossover_point) parents(2*i-1, crossover_point+1:end)];
% No crossover, simply copy the parents to the offspring
offspring(2*i-1, :) = parents(2*i-1, :);
offspring(2*i, :) = parents(2*i, :);
function offspring = mutate(parents, mutation_rate)
% Perform mutation by swapping two genes
n_parents = size(parents, 1);
n_genes = size(parents, 2);
offspring = parents;
for i = 1:n_parents
if rand() <= mutation_rate
% Choose two genes to swap
gene1 = randi(n_genes);
gene2 = randi(n_genes);
% Perform the swap
offspring(i, [gene1 gene2]) = offspring(i, [gene2 gene1]);