class Process: def __init__(self, pid, arrival_time, burst_time): = pid self.arrival_time = arrival_time self.burst_time = burst_time self.waiting_time = 0 self.turnaround_time = 0 self.response_ratio = 0 self.start_time = 0 self.complete_time = 0 def hrrn(processes): n = len(processes) current_time = 0 completed_processes = [] while len(completed_processes) < n: # 计算每个进程的响应比 for p in processes: if p not in completed_processes: waiting_time = current_time - p.arrival_time p.response_ratio = 1 + waiting_time / p.burst_time # 选择响应比最大的进程执行 selected_process = max(processes, key=lambda x: x.response_ratio) selected_process.start_time = current_time selected_process.complete_time = current_time + selected_process.burst_time selected_process.turnaround_time = selected_process.complete_time - selected_process.arrival_time current_time = selected_process.complete_time completed_processes.append(selected_process) return completed_processes # 创建进程列表 processes = [ Process(1, 0, 10), Process(2, 1, 5), Process(3, 2, 8), Process(4, 3, 6), ] # 运行调度算法 completed_processes = hrrn(processes) # 输出结果 total_wait_time = sum([p.waiting_time for p in completed_processes]) total_turnaround_time = sum([p.turnaround_time for p in completed_processes]) total_weighted_turnaround_time = sum([p.turnaround_time / p.burst_time for p in completed_processes]) for p in completed_processes: print( f"Process {}:到达时间 {p.arrival_time},所需执行时间{p.burst_time},开始时间{p.start_time},结束时间 {p.complete_time},周转时间 {p.turnaround_time},带权周转时间 {p.turnaround_time / p.burst_time:.2f}") print(f"平均周转时间:{total_turnaround_time / len(completed_processes):.2f}") print(f"平均带权周转时间:{total_weighted_turnaround_time / len(completed_processes):.2f}") 解释这段代码的设计思路
时间: 2024-03-28 12:40:55 浏览: 122
这段代码实现的是一个 HRRN(Highest Response Ratio Next,最高响应比优先)进程调度算法。它的设计思路如下:
1. 首先,定义了一个 Process 类,表示一个进程。每个进程具有进程 ID、到达时间、执行时间、等待时间、周转时间、响应比等属性,以及开始时间和结束时间两个计算得到的属性。
2. 接着,定义了一个 hrrn 函数,接收一个进程列表作为参数,用来执行 HRRN 调度算法。
3. 在 hrrn 函数中,首先记录了进程总数 n 和当前时间 current_time,以及一个已完成进程的列表 completed_processes。
4. 在每次循环中,计算每个进程的响应比。响应比的计算公式为:1 + 等待时间 / 执行时间。等待时间等于当前时间减去进程到达时间。
5. 接着,选择响应比最大的进程执行。这里使用了 max 函数和 lambda 表达式来找到响应比最大的进程。
6. 对于选定的进程,记录它的开始时间、结束时间、周转时间,并更新当前时间和已完成进程列表。
7. 最后,输出每个进程的详细信息,以及平均周转时间和平均带权周转时间。
总的来说,这段代码实现了一个简单的 HRRN 进程调度算法,并通过 Process 类和 hrrn 函数对进程和调度算法进行了封装,使得代码更加清晰易读。
class Process: def init(self, pid, arrival_time, burst_time): = pid #进程id self.arrival_time = arrival_time #到达时间 self.burst_time = burst_time #执行时间 self.waiting_time = 0 #等待时间 self.turnaround_time = 0 #周转时间 self.response_ratio = 0 #响应比 self.start_time = 0 #开始时间 self.complete_time = 0 #结束时间 def hrrn(processes): n = len(processes) current_time = 0 completed_processes = [] while len(completed_processes) < n: # 计算每个进程的响应比 for p in processes: if p not in completed_processes: waiting_time = current_time - p.arrival_time p.response_ratio = 1 + waiting_time / p.burst_time #响应比=1+作业等待时间/估计运行时间 # 选择响应比最大的进程执行 selected_process = max(processes, key=lambda x: x.response_ratio) selected_process.start_time = current_time selected_process.complete_time = current_time + selected_process.burst_time selected_process.turnaround_time = selected_process.complete_time - selected_process.arrival_time current_time = selected_process.complete_time completed_processes.append(selected_process) return completed_processes #重复上述过程直到所有进程都完成。 # 创建进程列表 processes = [ Process(1, 0, 7), #(进程id,到达时间,执行时间) Process(2, 1, 8), Process(3, 2, 6), Process(4, 3, 4), ] # 运行调度算法 completed_processes = hrrn(processes) # 输出结果 total_wait_time = sum([p.waiting_time for p in completed_processes]) total_turnaround_time = sum([p.turnaround_time for p in completed_processes]) total_weighted_turnaround_time = sum([p.turnaround_time / p.burst_time for p in completed_processes]) for p in completed_processes: print( f"Process {}:到达时间 {p.arrival_time},所需执行时间{p.burst_time},开始时间{p.start_time},结束时间 {p.complete_time},周转时间 {p.turnaround_time},带权周转时间 {p.turnaround_time / p.burst_time:.2f}") print(f"平均周转时间:{total_turnaround_time / len(completed_processes):.2f}") print(f"平均带权周转时间:{total_weighted_turnaround_time / len(completed_processes):.2f}") #对进程列表进行修改 #结果预计为: # Process 1:到达时间 0,所需执行时间7,开始时间0,结束时间 7,周转时间 7,带权周转时间 1.00 # Process 4:到达时间 3,所需执行时间4,开始时间7,结束时间 11,周转时间 8,带权周转时间 2.00 # Process 3:到达时间 2,所需执行时间6,开始时间11,结束时间 17,周转时间 15,带权周转时间 2.50 # Process 2:到达时间 1,所需执行时间8,开始时间17,结束时间 25,周转时间 24,带权周转时间 3.00 # 平均周转时间:13.50 # 平均带权周转时间:2.12 简述上述程序的设计思路
上述程序的设计思路是实现一个基于最高响应比优先调度算法的进程调度模拟器。程序首先定义了一个 Process 类,包含了进程的基本信息,如进程id、到达时间、执行时间等。然后,程序定义了一个 hrrn 函数,该函数接受一个进程列表作为参数,并且按照最高响应比优先调度算法调度这些进程,直到所有进程都完成。在 hrrn 函数中,程序通过计算每个进程的响应比,选择响应比最高的进程进行执行,并更新进程的各项数据,如开始时间、结束时间、周转时间等。最后,程序输出每个进程的基本信息以及平均周转时间和平均带权周转时间。为了验证算法的正确性,程序还对进程列表进行了修改,并输出了修改后的结果。
请设计一个程序1、 Simulate the operation of the round-robin algorithm for process scheduling. 2、 Create at least 15 processes and output their scheduling situation under the scheduling algorithm mentioned above and output it to the terminal to check the execution of the algorithm. 3、 The output should include the arrival time of the processes, the end time, and the average execution time.
class Process:
def __init__(self, pid, arrival_time, burst_time): = pid
self.arrival_time = arrival_time
self.burst_time = burst_time
self.remaining_time = burst_time
def execute(self, time_slice):
if self.remaining_time > time_slice:
self.remaining_time -= time_slice
return time_slice
time_executed = self.remaining_time
self.remaining_time = 0
return time_executed
def is_finished(self):
return self.remaining_time == 0
def round_robin(processes, time_slice):
current_time = 0
total_waiting_time = 0
total_turnaround_time = 0
num_processes = len(processes)
while True:
all_finished = True
for p in processes:
if p.arrival_time <= current_time and not p.is_finished():
all_finished = False
time_executed = p.execute(time_slice)
current_time += time_executed
if p.is_finished():
p.end_time = current_time
p.waiting_time = p.end_time - p.burst_time - p.arrival_time
p.turnaround_time = p.end_time - p.arrival_time
total_waiting_time += p.waiting_time
total_turnaround_time += p.turnaround_time
if all_finished:
average_waiting_time = total_waiting_time / num_processes
average_turnaround_time = total_turnaround_time / num_processes
return processes, average_waiting_time, average_turnaround_time
if __name__ == '__main__':
processes = [
Process(1, 0, 8),
Process(2, 0, 4),
Process(3, 0, 9),
Process(4, 0, 5),
Process(5, 0, 2),
Process(6, 0, 4),
Process(7, 0, 3),
Process(8, 0, 7),
Process(9, 0, 6),
Process(10, 0, 1),
Process(11, 0, 5),
Process(12, 0, 3),
Process(13, 0, 2),
Process(14, 0, 6),
Process(15, 0, 4),
time_slice = 3
processes, avg_waiting_time, avg_turnaround_time = round_robin(processes, time_slice)
print("Process\tArrival Time\tBurst Time\tEnd Time\tWaiting Time\tTurnaround Time")
for p in processes:
print(f"Average waiting time: {avg_waiting_time}")
print(f"Average turnaround time: {avg_turnaround_time}")