different type modifiers
时间: 2023-05-02 20:01:15 浏览: 106
'add_node' : redefinition; different type modifiers
1. 检查你的代码,确保你没有在同一个作用域中定义了两个相同的函数或变量。
2. 确保你的头文件只被包含一次,可以使用 #ifndef 和 #define 预编译指令来实现。
3. 确保你的函数或变量的类型、参数和返回值等都是一致的。
4. 如果你是在不同的源文件中定义同一个函数或变量,可以将它们声明为 extern,这样编译器就知道它们是同一个实体。
The type java.awt.image.BufferedImage is not accessible
This error occurs when you try to use the class java.awt.image.BufferedImage in your Java code, but it is not accessible.
There are a few possible reasons for this error:
1. You may not have imported the java.awt.image package correctly. Make sure you have included the line "import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;" at the top of your Java file.
2. You may be using an outdated version of Java that does not support the BufferedImage class. This class was introduced in Java 1.4, so make sure you are using a version of Java that is 1.4 or newer.
3. You may be trying to access the BufferedImage class from a different package or module that does not have access to it. In this case, you may need to adjust your project's dependencies or access modifiers to allow access to the class.
To resolve this error, check your code to ensure that the BufferedImage class is being imported correctly and that you are using a compatible version of Java. If the issue persists, you may need to review your project's dependencies and access modifiers to ensure that the class is accessible from your code.