求一个数组X,其中X中的元素是S中的字母按照a,..,z的顺序排列(利 用Sort函数,lower函数)。求数组Y,其中Y(1)表示a出现的次数, Y(2)表示b出现的次数......S = 'Scientists look for universal patterns of complex systems because such invariant features may help to unveil the principles of system organization Complex network studies can not only provide a unique viewpoint of nature and society but also reveal ubiquitous patterns, e.g. small world and scale free, characteristic of various complex systems. However, ecological studies have shown that binary food webs, which depict trophic interactions in ecosystems, refuse to become part of the small world and scale free networks family. Although some common features, including "two degrees separation", which means the very small average distance, are shared among food webs, other meaningful attributes such as degree distribution and clustering coefficient change with the size and complexity (connectance)of the network.';
时间: 2024-04-09 10:34:04 浏览: 79
S = 'Scientists look for universal patterns of complex systems because such invariant features may help to unveil the principles of system organization Complex network studies can not only provide a unique viewpoint of nature and society but also reveal ubiquitous patterns, e.g. small world and scale free, characteristic of various complex systems. However, ecological studies have shown that binary food webs, which depict trophic interactions in ecosystems, refuse to become part of the small world and scale free networks family. Although some common features, including "two degrees separation", which means the very small average distance, are shared among food webs, other meaningful attributes such as degree distribution and clustering coefficient change with the size and complexity (connectance)of the network.';
% 将字符串S转换为小写字母
S = lower(S);
% 将字符串S中的字母存储在数组X中
X = [];
for i = 1:length(S)
if isletter(S(i))
X = [X S(i)];
% 使用sort函数对数组X进行排序
X = sort(X);
% 初始化数组Y
Y = zeros(1, 26);
% 计算每个字母在数组X中出现的次数
for i = 1:length(X)
index = double(X(i)) - 96; % 计算字母在字母表中的索引(a对应1,b对应2,依此类推)
Y(index) = Y(index) + 1; % 对应索引位置的元素加1
% 显示数组Y中每个字母出现的次数
for i = 1:length(Y)
fprintf('%c出现的次数:%d\n', char(i+96), Y(i));