ValueError Traceback (most recent call last) Cell In[46], line 35 32 a11 = (B2[0, 2] - B2[0, 1]) / 500 33 for i2 in np.arange(B7[0, 1], B7[0, 2] + a11, a11): ---> 35 f = interp1d(B7[0, :], B7[1, :], kind='cubic') 36 a12 = f(i2) 37 a13 = a12 File ~\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python39\site-packages\scipy\interpolate\, in interp1d.__init__(***failed resolving arguments***) 613 yy = np.ones_like(self._y) 614 rewrite_nan = True --> 616 self._spline = make_interp_spline(xx, yy, k=order, 617 check_finite=False) 618 if rewrite_nan: 619 self._call = self.__class__._call_nan_spline File ~\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python39\site-packages\scipy\interpolate\, in make_interp_spline(x, y, k, t, bc_type, axis, check_finite) 1365 nt = t.size - k - 1 1367 if nt - n != nleft + nright: -> 1368 raise ValueError("The number of derivatives at boundaries does not " 1369 "match: expected %s, got %s+%s" % (nt-n, nleft, nright)) 1371 # bail out if the `y` array is zero-sized 1372 if y.size == 0: ValueError: The number of derivatives at boundaries does not match: expected 1, got 0+0怎么修改写出代码
时间: 2023-11-28 17:03:38 浏览: 202
这个错误是由于插值函数 `interp1d` 的参数有误导致的,可能是因为传入的数组长度不匹配或者插值次数 `order` 设置不当。你可以尝试以下几个方法来解决这个问题:
1. 检查传入 `interp1d` 函数的数组长度是否一致,特别是 `B7[0,:]` 和 `B7[1,:]` 是否长度相同,如果长度不同需要进行调整。
2. 检查插值函数的次数 `order` 是否合理,如果数据比较平滑可以选择使用低次数,比如 `order=1`。
3. 尝试使用其他的插值函数,比如 `scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline` 或者 `scipy.interpolate.interp1d` 中的其他插值方法。
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
# 检查传入的数组长度是否一致
assert B7.shape[1] > 1 and B7.shape[0] == 2 and B7.shape[1] == B2.shape[1], "Input arrays have invalid shape!"
# 使用低次数插值函数
f = interp1d(B7[0, :], B7[1, :], kind='linear')
# 或者使用其他的插值函数
# f = UnivariateSpline(B7[0, :], B7[1, :], k=1)
# 循环中的代码不变
a11 = (B2[0, 2] - B2[0, 1]) / 500
for i2 in np.arange(B7[0, 1], B7[0, 2] + a11, a11):
a12 = f(i2)
a13 = a12