tail -f output.txt 只显示包含某些文字如何写
时间: 2023-07-18 09:49:27 浏览: 145
你可以使用 grep 命令结合 tail 命令来实现只显示包含特定文字的输出。例如,你可以使用以下命令:
tail -f output.txt | grep "特定文字"
这将在实时更新的 output.txt 文件中查找包含“特定文字”的行,并仅显示这些行。你可以将“特定文字”替换为你想要查找的实际文本。
popen("tail -F a.txt", "r");
This line of code uses the popen() function to open a file stream to the output of the "tail -F a.txt" command. The "r" flag indicates that the file stream should be opened in read mode.
The "tail" command is used to display the last few lines of a file, and the "-F" flag tells it to continue displaying new lines that are added to the file in real-time.
Overall, this line of code will open a file stream that reads the output of the "tail -F a.txt" command, allowing the program to monitor changes to the "a.txt" file in real-time.
tail -f catalina.out | tail -n 1
这个命令的作用是实时监控 catalina.out 文件的变化,并展示最后一行的内容。其中,"tail -f catalina.out" 将实时显示文件的新增内容,而 "tail -n 1" 则只展示最后一行。所以整个命令的含义是,持续监控 catalina.out 文件的新增内容,并在每次更新时只显示最后一行。