rows, cols = img2.shape[:2]
时间: 2023-09-21 21:13:04 浏览: 198
This line of code retrieves the number of rows and columns in a 2-dimensional array or image called "img2".
The ":2" in the code is a slicing notation used to retrieve the first two elements of the tuple returned by the "shape" method. These two elements represent the number of rows and columns in the image.
The values of the rows and columns are then assigned to the variables "rows" and "cols", respectively.
rows1,cols1,channels1 = img1.shape rows,cols,channels=img2.shape roi = img1[0:rows,(cols1-cols):cols1]
rows1, cols1, channels1 = img1.shape
rows, cols, channels = img2.shape
roi = img1[0:rows, (cols1 - cols):cols1]
rows1,cols1,channels1 = img1.shape rows,cols,channels=img2.shape
这段代码是用于获取图像 `img1` 和 `img2` 的尺寸信息。
rows1, cols1, channels1 = img1.shape
rows, cols, channels = img2.shape
其中,`rows1`、`cols1` 和 `channels1` 分别表示 `img1` 的行数、列数和通道数。同样,`rows`、`cols` 和 `channels` 表示 `img2` 的行数、列数和通道数。
请确保在使用这段代码之前,你已经正确加载了图像 `img1` 和 `img2`。这些变量将在后续的操作中被使用,例如裁剪、拷贝等。