时间: 2023-12-24 07:10:41 浏览: 98
filename = input("请输入文件名:")
count = 0
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
if not line.strip().startswith('//'):
count += 1
print("代码行数为:", count)
该脚本会提示用户输入要统计的文件名,然后使用`with open`语句打开文件,逐行循环读取文件内容。如果一行不是以`//`开头,就将代码行数加1。最后输出代码行数的结果。
用Python写一个统计Verilog代码行数的脚本,Verilog文件带有路径,首先打开指定的文件并读取全部内容。然后使用正则表达式去除注释,并按行分割并去除空白字符。接下来,它统计不在模块定义、包定义、函数定义、任务定义、generate块等特殊语句内的代码行数。然后,它查找每个模块实例化语句,并递归计算每个模块的行数,将其加入总行数中。最后,它查找每个 include 语句,并递归计算每个 included 文件的行数,将其加入总行数中。最终返回总行数。也同时输出各个子模块例化名及行数,include文件的对应的代码行数
import os
import re
def count_verilog_lines(file_path):
with open(file_path, 'r') as f:
content = f.read()
# 去除注释
content = re.sub(r'//.*', '', content)
content = re.sub(r'/\*.*?\*/', '', content, flags=re.S)
# 按行分割并去除空白字符
lines = [line.strip() for line in content.split('\n')]
# 统计代码行数
total_lines = 0
in_module = False
in_package = False
in_function = False
in_task = False
in_generate = False
module_instances = {}
includes = []
for line in lines:
if line.startswith('module'):
in_module = True
module_name = re.search(r'module\s+(\w+)\s*\(', line).group(1)
module_instances[module_name] = 0
elif line.startswith('endmodule'):
in_module = False
elif line.startswith('package'):
in_package = True
elif line.startswith('endpackage'):
in_package = False
elif line.startswith('function'):
in_function = True
elif line.startswith('endfunction'):
in_function = False
elif line.startswith('task'):
in_task = True
elif line.startswith('endtask'):
in_task = False
elif line.startswith('generate'):
in_generate = True
elif line.startswith('endgenerate'):
in_generate = False
elif not (in_module or in_package or in_function or in_task or in_generate) and line:
total_lines += 1
# 查找模块实例化语句
match = re.search(r'(\w+)\s+#?\(', line)
if match:
module_name = match.group(1)
if module_name in module_instances:
module_instances[module_name] += count_verilog_lines(module_name + '.v')
# 查找include语句
match = re.search(r'`include\s+"(\S+)"', line)
if match:
include_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(file_path), match.group(1))
includes.append((include_path, count_verilog_lines(include_path)))
# 输出子模块例化名及行数
for module_name, module_lines in module_instances.items():
print('{}: {}'.format(module_name, module_lines))
# 输出include文件的对应代码行数
for include_path, include_lines in includes:
print('{}: {}'.format(include_path, include_lines))
return total_lines
其中,`top.v` 是要统计行数的 Verilog 文件路径。
用Python写一个统计Verilog代码行数的脚本,首先打开指定的文件并读取全部内容。然后使用正则表达式去除注释,并按行分割并去除空白字符。接下来,它统计不在模块定义、包定义、函数定义、任务定义、generate块等特殊语句内的代码行数。然后,它查找每个模块实例化语句,并递归计算每个模块的行数,将其加入总行数中。最后,它查找每个 include 语句,并递归计算每个 included 文件的行数,将其加入总行数中。最终返回总行数。也同时输出各个子模块,include文件的对应的代码行数
import re
def count_verilog_lines(filename):
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
content = f.read()
# remove comments
pattern = r'(/\*.*?\*/|//.*?$)'
content = re.sub(pattern, '', content, flags=re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)
# remove whitespace
content = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', content)
# split into lines
lines = content.split('\n')
# count non-special lines
special_keywords = ['module', 'endmodule', 'package', 'endpackage', 'function', 'endfunction', 'task', 'endtask', 'generate']
special_line = False
count = 0
sub_counts = {}
for line in lines:
if any(keyword in line for keyword in special_keywords):
special_line = not special_line
if not special_line:
sub_module_name = re.search(r'\.(\w+)\s*\(', line).group(1)
sub_counts[sub_module_name] = count
count = 0
elif not special_line and line.strip() != '':
count += 1
# count sub-modules
include_files = set()
include_pattern = r'^\s*`include\s+["<](\S+)[">].*$'
module_pattern = r'^\s*(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s*\('
for line in lines:
include_match = re.match(include_pattern, line)
if include_match:
include_file = include_match.group(1)
include_count = count_verilog_lines(include_file)
count += include_count
module_match = re.match(module_pattern, line)
if module_match:
sub_module_name = module_match.group(2)
sub_counts[sub_module_name] = count_verilog_lines(filename)
# print results
print('Total lines:', count)
print('Sub-module lines:')
for sub_module_name, sub_count in sub_counts.items():
print(sub_module_name, sub_count)
print('Included files:')
for include_file in include_files:
print(include_file, count_verilog_lines(include_file))
return count
该脚本首先读取指定的文件,并使用正则表达式去除注释。然后,它将内容按行分割并去除空白字符。接下来,它遍历每一行,统计不在特殊语句内的代码行数,并记录每个子模块的名称和行数。随后,它查找每个 include 语句,并递归计算每个 included 文件的行数,将其加入总行数中。最后,它查找每个模块实例化语句,并递归计算每个模块的行数,将其加入总行数中。最终返回总行数,并输出各个子模块,include文件的对应的代码行数。