Otherwise, when the data is offloaded for edge execution (xti = 1), we denote Pit as the transmit power constrained by the maximum power Pt ≤ Pmax and τtT as the amount of time iii allocated to the ith WD for computation offloading. Here, τit ∈ [0, 1] and Ni=1 τit ≤ 1. The energy consumed on data offloading is Eit,O = PitτitT. Similar to [4] and [8], we neglect the delay on edge computing and result downloading such that the amount of data processed at the edge within the time frame is Dt =WτitTlog 1+Pithti=WτitTlog 1+Eit,Ohti, ∀xt =1, (2) i,O vu 2 N0 vu 2 τitTN0 I,为什么要log2
时间: 2023-12-15 20:04:40 浏览: 69
Data Transfer Matters for GPU Computing