In the proposed algorithm, the access prices of BSs are adjusted according to incomes and load situations in the leaderlevel game, and each UE independently chooses the BS that maximizes its payoff (or minimizes its payment) in the follower-level game. Thus, the algorithm achieves optimization in a distributed manner. When a small BS is overloaded, the price will increase to ensure that the offloaded UE has a higher access payment. For the design of the price, a particle swarm optimization-based pricing strategy (PSO-PS) is proposed to maximize the BS revenue. Finally, we use the resident-oriented Gale-Shapley (GS) algorithm to obtain a stable single-BS association. The main contributions of this paper can be summarized as follows:翻译
时间: 2024-04-22 11:26:56 浏览: 171
Abstract—In heterogeneous networks (HetNets), user association approaches should be able to achieve load balancing among base stations (BSs). This paper investigates the joint optimization of user association and resource allocation in Backhaul-constrained HetNets for capacity enhancements. We consider two major limitations in HetNets: the backhaul bottleneck of BSs and the capability of user equipment (UE). We establish a framework based on a multi-leader multi-follower Stackelberg game, in which resource allocation is formulated as a follower-level game and user association is cast as a leader-level game. Because of the backhaul bottleneck of small BSs, the given preference order of users renders the final association result unstable. Thus, the resident-oriented GaleShapley (GS) algorithm is included in the proposed framework to obtain a stable single-BS association. Furthermore, congestion factors are introduced to reflect the relative backhaul congestion degrees of BSs, which enables load balancing among the small BSs in the proposed algorithm. The study considers user association and resource allocation with and without limitations on the number of serving users for small BSs in HetNets. Extensive simulation results suggest that the proposed algorithm can adaptively respond to a wide variety of network situations.中文
Motivated by the above discussion, a multi-leader multifollower Stackelberg game architecture is proposed to formulate the interaction between BSs and UEs. In this game, BSs have an advantage as the first mover and can be regarded as the market leaders. UEs are assumed to be in the position of followers in this market. There is a sequential relationship between the actions of the participants. Therefore, the Stackelberg model is more suitable than the Cournot model. Under the proposed architecture, a user association algorithm based on joint UE demand shaping and BS demand response is proposed. With this framework, we can maximize the UE utility function and apply flexible payoff functions to BSs and UEs to design a load-balancing algorithm.翻译