select c.* from upiccore.gupolicypaymentplan c where c.policyno in (select m.policyno from upiccore.gupolicymain m where m.inputdate > to_date('2022-04-12 00:00:00', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') and m.flowid in (select p.program_id from upiccore.c_program p where p.create_user not like '%@%') and m.validind = '1' and m.surrenderind='0' and m.cancelind='0' and m.installmentno is not null) and c.plandate < to_date('2023-05-12 00:00:00', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') and c.billno is null; 优化下
时间: 2024-02-14 09:18:33 浏览: 120
这个 SQL 查询语句可以进行优化,可以使用 JOIN 进行优化,如下所示:
FROM upiccore.gupolicypaymentplan c
JOIN upiccore.gupolicymain m ON c.policyno = m.policyno
JOIN upiccore.c_program p ON m.flowid = p.program_id
WHERE m.inputdate > to_date('2022-04-12 00:00:00', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')
AND p.create_user NOT LIKE '%@%'
AND m.validind = '1'
AND m.surrenderind = '0'
AND m.cancelind = '0'
AND m.installmentno IS NOT NULL
AND c.plandate < to_date('2023-05-12 00:00:00', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')
AND c.billno IS NULL;
在这个优化过的查询语句中,使用了 JOIN 连接三个表,避免了使用子查询,可以更加高效地执行。同时,将一些条件的判断移到 JOIN 的 ON 子句中,也可以提高查询效率。
select a.InsuredAddressCountry, a.insuredaddressstate, a.insuredaddresscity, a.insuredaddressdistrict, a.policyno, c.countrycode as 国家, c.regioncode as 省, c.area as 市, c.clientdistrict 区县, a.endorseqno, a.insuredcode, a.insuredtype from guPolicyCopyRelatedParty a, GSClientCorporate c where (((a.insuredaddresscity is not null and a.insuredaddressstate is not null and (select b.upperareacode from ggcountry b where b.countrycode = a.insuredaddresscity and b.arealevel = '3' and b.upperareacode = a.insuredaddressstate) is null) or (a.insuredaddressstate is not null and a.insuredaddresscountry is not null and (select b.upperareacode from ggcountry b where b.countrycode = a.insuredaddressstate and b.arealevel = '2' and b.upperareacode = a.insuredaddresscountry) is null) or (a.insuredaddressdistrict is not null and a.insuredaddresscity is not null and (select b.upperareacode from ggcountry b where b.arealevel = '4' and b.countrycode = a.insuredaddressdistrict and b.upperareacode = a.insuredaddresscity) is null)) or (a.insuredaddresscountry is null and (a.insuredaddressstate is not null or a.insuredaddresscity is not null or a.insuredaddressdistrict is not null)) or (a.insuredaddresscity is not null and a.insuredaddressstate is null) or (a.insuredaddressdistrict is not null and (a.insuredaddressstate is null or a.insuredaddresscity is null))) and a.insuredtype in ('2', '4') and a.insuredcode = c.clientcode order by a.insuredaddresscountry,a.insuredaddressstate,a.insuredaddresscity,a.insuredaddressdistrict; 此sql如何根据where后的条件进行判断给自定义的返回结果赋值
您可以在 SELECT 语句中使用 CASE 表达式来根据条件返回自定义结果。例如,以下 SQL 将根据 where 条件中的查询条件返回不同的结果:
SELECT a.InsuredAddressCountry, a.insuredaddressstate, a.insuredaddresscity, a.insuredaddressdistrict, a.policyno, c.countrycode as 国家, c.regioncode as 省, c.area as 市, c.clientdistrict as 区县, a.endorseqno, a.insuredcode, a.insuredtype,
WHEN (a.insuredaddresscity IS NOT NULL AND a.insuredaddressstate IS NOT NULL AND (SELECT b.upperareacode FROM ggcountry b WHERE b.countrycode = a.insuredaddresscity AND b.arealevel = '3' AND b.upperareacode = a.insuredaddressstate) IS NULL) OR (a.insuredaddressstate IS NOT NULL AND a.insuredaddresscountry IS NOT NULL AND (SELECT b.upperareacode FROM ggcountry b WHERE b.countrycode = a.insuredaddressstate AND b.arealevel = '2' AND b.upperareacode = a.insuredaddresscountry) IS NULL) OR (a.insuredaddressdistrict IS NOT NULL AND a.insuredaddresscity IS NOT NULL AND (SELECT b.upperareacode FROM ggcountry b WHERE b.arealevel = '4' AND b.countrycode = a.insuredaddressdistrict AND b.upperareacode = a.insuredaddresscity) IS NULL) THEN '条件1'
WHEN a.insuredaddresscountry IS NULL AND (a.insuredaddressstate IS NOT NULL OR a.insuredaddresscity IS NOT NULL OR a.insuredaddressdistrict IS NOT NULL) THEN '条件2'
WHEN a.insuredaddresscity IS NOT NULL AND a.insuredaddressstate IS NULL THEN '条件3'
WHEN a.insuredaddressdistrict IS NOT NULL AND (a.insuredaddressstate IS NULL OR a.insuredaddresscity IS NULL) THEN '条件4'
ELSE '其他条件'
END AS 自定义结果
FROM guPolicyCopyRelatedParty a, GSClientCorporate c
WHERE a.insuredtype IN ('2', '4')
AND a.insuredcode = c.clientcode
ORDER BY a.insuredaddresscountry, a.insuredaddressstate, a.insuredaddresscity, a.insuredaddressdistrict;
metersphere里面前置操作写入 String policyNo = 'mx' + (int)(Math.random()*90000 +10000); 请求体中写入{"name":"张三","policyNo":${policyNo}}有什么问题
该前置操作生成一个随机的字符串,然后将其赋值给变量 `policyNo`。在请求体中,使用 `${policyNo}` 引用该变量,以便在请求中使用该值。
这种方法可能会在高并发环境下出现问题,因为多个线程可能会生成相同的随机数并将其赋值给 `policyNo` 变量。这可能会导致重复的策略号码,从而导致系统中的错误或冲突。
为了避免这种情况,可以使用更可靠的方式生成唯一的策略号码,例如使用 UUID。另外,在写入请求体时,应该将 `policyNo` 变量值进行 URL 编码,以避免任何特殊字符或空格引起的问题。