%% Parameters % Directory with your results %%% Make sure the file names are as exactly %%% %%% as the original ground truth images %%% input_dir = fullfile(pwd,'D:\桌面\PIRM2018-master\your_results'); % Directory with ground truth images GT_dir = fullfile(pwd,'D:\桌面\PIRM2018-master\self_validation_HR'); % Number of pixels to shave off image borders when calcualting scores shave_width = 4; % Set verbose option verbose = true; %% Calculate scores and save addpath utils scores = calc_scores(input_dir,GT_dir,shave_width,verbose); % Saving save('your_scores.mat','scores'); %% Printing results perceptual_score = (mean([scores.NIQE]) + (10 - mean([scores.Ma]))) / 2; fprintf(['\n\nYour perceptual score is: ',num2str(perceptual_score)]); fprintf(['\nYour RMSE is: ',num2str(sqrt(mean([scores.MSE]))),'\n']);
时间: 2024-04-20 10:24:06 浏览: 136
这段代码是用于计算图像质量评分的。它假设您已经有了一个包含您的结果图像的文件夹(input_dir),以及一个包含与结果图像相对应的原始高分辨率图像的文件夹(GT_dir)。代码将计算不同评分指标(例如NIQE、Ma、MSE)并保存结果。最终将打印出感知评分(perceptual score)和均方根误差(RMSE)。