pywinauto spinner 有可选项
时间: 2023-09-28 08:13:10 浏览: 260
from pywinauto import Application
from pywinauto.controls.win32_controls import ComboBoxWrapper
# Start the application
app = Application().start("myapp.exe")
# Get the combo box control
combo_box = app.window(title="My Window").ComboBox.wrapper_object()
# Select the second item in the combo box and the first option
combo_box.child_window(title="Option 1").click_input()
pywinauto spinner
Pywinauto is a Python library for automating GUI testing of Windows applications. It provides a simple API for interacting with GUI elements such as buttons, text boxes, and spinners.
A spinner is a GUI element used for selecting a numerical value from a range of values. Pywinauto provides a SpinnerWrapper class for interacting with spinner controls in Windows applications. You can use this class to get and set the value of a spinner, as well as simulate user input events such as clicking and scrolling.
Here's an example of how to use the SpinnerWrapper class in Pywinauto:
from pywinauto import Application
from pywinauto.controls.win32_controls import SpinnerWrapper
# Start the application
app = Application().start("myapp.exe")
# Get the spinner control
spinner_ctrl = app.window(title="My Spinner").child_window(class_name="msctls_updown32").wrapper_object()
# Get the current value of the spinner
current_value = spinner_ctrl.get_value()
# Set the value of the spinner to a new value
# Increment the value of the spinner by 1
# Decrement the value of the spinner by 1
pywinauto spinner 调用
要使用 Pywinauto 控制 spinner 控件,可以使用 `SpinnerWrapper` 类。以下是一个基本示例,展示了如何使用 Pywinauto 控制 spinner 控件:
from pywinauto.application import Application
# 启动应用程序(替换为您自己的应用程序路径)
app = Application().start("calc.exe")
# 选择主窗口并获取 spinner 控件
dlg = app.Calculator
spinner = dlg.Spinner
# 设置 spinner 的值
在上面的示例中,我们首先启动计算器应用程序,然后选择主窗口并获取 spinner 控件。最后,我们使用 `set_value()` 方法将 spinner 控件设置为 10。
请注意,这只是一个基本示例。实际使用 Pywinauto 控制 spinner 控件时,您可能需要使用不同的方法来获取和设置 spinner 的值,具体取决于您正在使用的应用程序和控件。