__init__() takes from 3 to 5 positional arguments but 6 were given
时间: 2023-10-31 22:36:45 浏览: 112
This error message indicates that you are passing too many arguments to the `__init__()` method of a class or function. The method is expecting between 3 and 5 arguments, but you are passing 6 arguments.
To fix this error, you need to check the number of arguments you are passing and make sure it matches the expected number of arguments. You may also need to review the documentation or source code of the class or function to understand the correct usage and argument order.
TypeError: __init__() takes from 3 to 6 positional arguments but 8 were given
TypeError: __init__() takes from 3 to 6 positional arguments but 8 were given是一个常见的错误,它表示在调用一个类的构造函数时传递了错误数量的参数。构造函数通常用于初始化类的实例,并且可以接受不同数量的参数。
class MyClass:
def __init__(self, arg1, arg2, arg3):
self.arg1 = arg1
self.arg2 = arg2
self.arg3 = arg3
# 错误的调用方式,传递了错误数量的参数
my_object = MyClass(arg1_value, arg2_value, arg3_value, arg4_value, arg5_value, arg6_value, arg7_value, arg8_value)
# 正确的调用方式,传递了正确数量的参数
my_object = MyClass(arg1_value, arg2_value, arg3_value)
__init__() takes from 3 to 5 positional arguments but 9 were given
这个错误提示意味着你在调用一个类的构造函数时,传入的参数数量与定义时不符。构造函数通常需要传入至少一个参数 self,因此实际可用的参数数量比定义时少 1。请检查你的代码,确认传入的参数数量是否正确,并且保证参数的类型与定义时一致。如果问题仍然存在,请提供更多的代码和错误信息以便更好地帮助你解决问题。