Syntax error on token "throws", { expected
时间: 2023-07-19 14:03:57 浏览: 175
This error usually occurs when the `throws` keyword is used incorrectly in a method signature. The correct syntax for using `throws` is:
public void methodName() throws ExceptionType {
// method body
Make sure that you have correctly specified the exception type that may be thrown by the method. Also, make sure that the `throws` keyword is followed by the exception type and is placed before the method body.
If you provide more context about your code, I may be able to help you further.
throws显示Syntax error on token "throws", { expected
这个错误通常是由于语法错误引起的。在 Java 中,`throws` 关键字只能出现在方法的声明语句中,而不能出现在方法体中。
请确保在正确的位置使用 `throws` 关键字。在方法声明语句中,`throws` 关键字需要紧跟着方法参数列表之后,可以指定该方法可能抛出的多个异常类型,多个异常类型之间需要使用逗号分隔。例如:
public void readFile(String fileName) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
// 方法体
Syntax error on token "public", record expected after this token - Syntax error on token "{", { expected after this token