Syntax error on token "String", @ expected
时间: 2024-01-03 16:07:41 浏览: 116
This error message usually occurs when the compiler encounters a syntax error in the code related to a String operation. The '@' symbol is expected to indicate a valid reference or identifier in the code.
To resolve this error, you can check your code for any syntax errors related to Strings and ensure that all references and identifiers are properly defined and used. Additionally, you can consult the documentation for the programming language you are using to ensure that you are following the correct syntax rules.
throws显示Syntax error on token "throws", { expected
这个错误通常是由于语法错误引起的。在 Java 中,`throws` 关键字只能出现在方法的声明语句中,而不能出现在方法体中。
请确保在正确的位置使用 `throws` 关键字。在方法声明语句中,`throws` 关键字需要紧跟着方法参数列表之后,可以指定该方法可能抛出的多个异常类型,多个异常类型之间需要使用逗号分隔。例如:
public void readFile(String fileName) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
// 方法体