时间: 2023-08-21 08:05:01 浏览: 198
1. Sentaurus TCAD:
# Define the simulation domain
grid x 0.0 10.0
grid y 0.0 5.0
grid z 0.0 0.1
# Define the material properties
material Silicon
mobility 1400.0 cm^2/Vs
density 2.33e19 cm^-3
material SiliconOxide
epsr 3.9
tox 1.0 nm
# Define the device structure
region substrate material Silicon
contact source metal
contact drain metal
gate metal oxide
region oxide interface 1.0 nm material SiliconOxide
# Define the simulation parameters
solution poisson
solver pcg
equilibrate off
# Define the simulation commands
drainvoltage 1.0
display contour electron_density
2. Silvaco:
# Define the simulation domain
grid x 0.0 10.0
grid y 0.0 5.0
grid z 0.0 0.1
# Define the material properties
material Si
mobility 1400.0 cm^2/Vs
density 2.33e19 cm^-3
material SiO2
epsr 3.9
tox 1.0 nm
# Define the device structure
region substrate material Si
contact source metal
contact drain metal
gate metal oxide
region oxide interface 1.0 nm material SiO2
# Define the simulation parameters
mode bias
vds 1.0
# Define the simulation commands
display contour electron_density