C++职工工资管理 基本要求:定义职工(employee)类,其中至少包括姓名、性别、工号、电话、所在科室和 工资。功能要求:1、设计菜单实现功能选择;2、输入功能:输入职工信息,并保存到文件中;查询功能:1)能够根据工号精确查询职工信息;2)能够根据姓名

时间: 2023-07-10 19:14:30 浏览: 51
来模糊查询职工信息,并将查询结果输出;3、能够统计并输出所有职工的工资总和、平均工资和最高工资者的信息;4、能够按照工资从高到低排序并输出职工信息。 以下是一个实现职工工资管理系统的示例代码: ```c++ #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; // 定义职工类 class Employee { public: string name; // 姓名 string gender; // 性别 string id; // 工号 string phone; // 电话 string dept; // 所在科室 double salary; // 工资 }; // 定义职工管理类 class EmployeeManager { public: vector<Employee> employees; // 所有职工信息 // 从文件中读取职工信息 void loadFromFile(string filename) { ifstream ifs(filename); if (!ifs) { cout << "Error: cannot open file " << filename << endl; return; } Employee emp; while (ifs >> emp.name >> emp.gender >> emp.id >> emp.phone >> emp.dept >> emp.salary) { employees.push_back(emp); } ifs.close(); cout << "Load " << employees.size() << " employees from file " << filename << endl; } // 将职工信息保存到文件中 void saveToFile(string filename) { ofstream ofs(filename); if (!ofs) { cout << "Error: cannot open file " << filename << endl; return; } for (auto &emp : employees) { ofs << emp.name << ' ' << emp.gender << ' ' << emp.id << ' ' << emp.phone << ' ' << emp.dept << ' ' << emp.salary << endl; } ofs.close(); cout << "Save " << employees.size() << " employees to file " << filename << endl; } // 添加职工信息 void addEmployee() { Employee emp; cout << "Enter employee's name: "; getline(cin, emp.name); cout << "Enter employee's gender (male or female): "; getline(cin, emp.gender); cout << "Enter employee's id: "; getline(cin, emp.id); cout << "Enter employee's phone: "; getline(cin, emp.phone); cout << "Enter employee's department: "; getline(cin, emp.dept); cout << "Enter employee's salary: "; cin >> emp.salary; cin.ignore(); // 忽略换行符 employees.push_back(emp); cout << "Add employee successfully!" << endl; } // 根据工号查询职工信息 void searchById() { string id; cout << "Enter employee's id to search: "; getline(cin, id); for (auto &emp : employees) { if (emp.id == id) { cout << "Name: " << emp.name << endl; cout << "Gender: " << emp.gender << endl; cout << "Id: " << emp.id << endl; cout << "Phone: " << emp.phone << endl; cout << "Department: " << emp.dept << endl; cout << "Salary: " << emp.salary << endl; return; } } cout << "Cannot find employee with id " << id << endl; } // 根据姓名模糊查询职工信息 void searchByName() { string name; cout << "Enter employee's name to search: "; getline(cin, name); vector<Employee> result; for (auto &emp : employees) { if (emp.name.find(name) != string::npos) { result.push_back(emp); } } if (result.empty()) { cout << "Cannot find employee with name " << name << endl; } else { for (auto &emp : result) { cout << "Name: " << emp.name << endl; cout << "Gender: " << emp.gender << endl; cout << "Id: " << emp.id << endl; cout << "Phone: " << emp.phone << endl; cout << "Department: " << emp.dept << endl; cout << "Salary: " << emp.salary << endl; } } } // 统计职工工资总和、平均工资和最高工资者的信息 void getStatistics() { double sum = 0, maxSalary = 0; for (auto &emp : employees) { sum += emp.salary; maxSalary = max(maxSalary, emp.salary); } double avgSalary = employees.empty() ? 0 : sum / employees.size(); cout << "Total salary: " << sum << endl; cout << "Average salary: " << avgSalary << endl; cout << "Employee(s) with highest salary: " << endl; for (auto &emp : employees) { if (emp.salary == maxSalary) { cout << "Name: " << emp.name << endl; cout << "Gender: " << emp.gender << endl; cout << "Id: " << emp.id << endl; cout << "Phone: " << emp.phone << endl; cout << "Department: " << emp.dept << endl; cout << "Salary: " << emp.salary << endl; } } } // 按照工资从高到低排序并输出职工信息 void sortBySalary() { sort(employees.begin(), employees.end(), [](const Employee &a, const Employee &b) { return a.salary > b.salary; }); for (auto &emp : employees) { cout << "Name: " << emp.name << endl; cout << "Gender: " << emp.gender << endl; cout << "Id: " << emp.id << endl; cout << "Phone: " << emp.phone << endl; cout << "Department: " << emp.dept << endl; cout << "Salary: " << emp.salary << endl; } } }; int main() { EmployeeManager manager; manager.loadFromFile("employees.txt"); while (true) { cout << "Menu:" << endl; cout << "1. Add employee" << endl; cout << "2. Search by id" << endl; cout << "3. Search by name" << endl; cout << "4. Get statistics" << endl; cout << "5. Sort by salary" << endl; cout << "6. Save to file" << endl; cout << "0. Exit" << endl; int choice; cout << "Enter your choice: "; cin >> choice; cin.ignore(); // 忽略换行符 switch (choice) { case 0: return 0; case 1: manager.addEmployee(); break; case 2: manager.searchById(); break; case 3: manager.searchByName(); break; case 4: manager.getStatistics(); break; case 5: manager.sortBySalary(); break; case 6: manager.saveToFile("employees.txt"); break; default: cout << "Invalid choice, please try again!" << endl; } } return 0; } ``` 这个程序使用了类和文件读写等 C++ 特性,实现了简单的职工工资管理系统。




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