r语言tm package
时间: 2023-05-26 08:07:03 浏览: 123
The 'tm' package in R is used for text mining and is one of the most popular and commonly used packages for natural language processing.
Functions of the 'tm' package include:
- Reading in text data from various file formats (e.g. txt, csv, pdf)
- Preprocessing text data by removing stop words, stemming, and transforming text to lower case
- Creating document-term matrices and term-document matrices
- Conducting topic modeling and sentiment analysis
- Visualizing text data through word clouds, bar plots, and scatterplots
Some examples of the code using the 'tm' package are:
- Reading in a corpus of text data: `corpus <- Corpus(DirSource('path/to/folder/'))`
- Removing stop words: `corpus <- tm_map(corpus, removeWords, stopwords('english'))`
- Stemming text data: `corpus <- tm_map(corpus, stemDocument)`
- Creating a document-term matrix: `dtm <- DocumentTermMatrix(corpus)`
- Conducting a sentiment analysis using the 'tidytext' package: `sentiments <- get_sentiments('afinn')` and `corpus.sentiment <- inner_join(corpus.tidy, sentiments)`