import queue import threading import cv2 as cv import subprocess as sp class Live(object): def __init__(self): self.frame_queue = queue.Queue() self.command = "" # 自行设置 self.rtmpUrl = "" self.camera_path = "" def read_frame(self): print("开启推流") cap = cv.VideoCapture(self.camera_path) # Get video information fps = int(cap.get(cv.CAP_PROP_FPS)) width = int(cap.get(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH)) height = int(cap.get(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT)) # ffmpeg command self.command = ['ffmpeg', '-y', '-f', 'rawvideo', '-vcodec','rawvideo', '-pix_fmt', 'bgr24', '-s', "{}x{}".format(width, height), '-r', str(fps), '-i', '-', '-c:v', 'libx264', '-pix_fmt', 'yuv420p', '-preset', 'ultrafast', '-f', 'flv', self.rtmpUrl] # read webcamera while(cap.isOpened()): ret, frame = if not ret: print("Opening camera is failed") break # put frame into queue self.frame_queue.put(frame) def push_frame(self): # 防止多线程时 command 未被设置 while True: if len(self.command) > 0: # 管道配置 p = sp.Popen(self.command, stdin=sp.PIPE) break while True: if self.frame_queue.empty() != True: frame = self.frame_queue.get() # process frame # 你处理图片的代码 # write to pipe p.stdin.write(frame.tostring()) def run(self): threads = [ threading.Thread(target=Live.read_frame, args=(self,)), threading.Thread(target=Live.push_frame, args=(self,)) ] [thread.setDaemon(True) for thread in threads] [thread.start() for thread in threads]
时间: 2024-02-10 08:20:41 浏览: 129
这是一个 Python 类,用于推送摄像头视频流到 RTMP 服务器。该类包含以下方法:
1. `__init__(self)`:初始化方法,设置摄像头路径、RTMP 推流地址和帧队列。
2. `read_frame(self)`:读取摄像头视频流,将视频帧存入帧队列中。
3. `push_frame(self)`:从帧队列中取出视频帧,进行处理后写入到管道中,最终推送到 RTMP 服务器。
4. `run(self)`:开启两个线程,分别执行 `read_frame` 和 `push_frame` 方法。
为了正常运行该类,需要安装 `queue`、`threading`、`cv2` 和 `subprocess` 模块。同时需要在初始化方法中设置 `rtmpUrl` 和 `camera_path` 两个参数,分别为 RTMP 推流地址和摄像头路径。在 `push_frame` 方法中需要根据实际需求对视频帧进行处理。
import time import threading import queue # 任务队列,存储小车需要执行的任务 task_queue = queue.Queue() # 监控小车状态的类 class CarStatus: # 初始化小车状态 def __init__(self, car_id): self.car_id = car_id # 小车编号 self.location = [0, 0] # 当前位置 self.task = None # 当前任务 # 获取小车编号 def get_id(self): return self.car_id
class InfoDisScanner(object): def __init__(self, timeout=600, args=None): self.START_TIME = time.time() self.TIME_OUT = timeout self.args = args self.LINKS_LIMIT = 100 # max number of Folders to scan self.full_scan = args.full_scan self._init_rules() self.url_queue = Queue() # all urls to scan self.urls_processed = set() # processed urls self.urls_enqueued = set() # entered queue urls self.lock = threading.Lock()