static routing table status :<active>

时间: 2023-08-12 12:05:46 浏览: 49
"static routing table status: <active>" 表示静态路由表处于活动状态。 静态路由是由网络管理员手动配置的路由,与动态路由不同,它不会自动更新路由信息。当使用静态路由时,管理员需要手动添加、修改或删除路由信息。在静态路由表处于活动状态时,网络设备将使用静态路由表中的路由信息来转发数据包。

这段命令在华为交换机中怎么使用<Huawei>vlan 10 <Huawei>int vlan 10 <Huawei>ip ad <Huawei>int g0/0/1 <Huawei>switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q <Huawei>sw mo tr <Huawei>int g0/0/2 <Huawei>switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q <Huawei>sw mo tr <Huawei>sw tr all vlan 10 <Huawei>ip routing

这段命令在华为交换机中的使用步骤如下: 1. 创建 VLAN 10 并进入 VLAN 10 视图: ``` <Huawei>vlan 10 <Huawei>int vlan 10 ``` 2. 配置 VLAN 10 的 IP 地址和子网掩码: ``` <Huawei>ip ad ``` 3. 进入端口 G0/0/1 和 G0/0/2 视图,并开启 Trunk 功能并设置 VLAN Tag 类型: ``` <Huawei>int g0/0/1 <Huawei>port link-type trunk <Huawei>port trunk encapsulation dot1q <Huawei>int g0/0/2 <Huawei>port link-type trunk <Huawei>port trunk encapsulation dot1q ``` 4. 配置端口 G0/0/1 和 G0/0/2 允许通过的 VLAN: ``` <Huawei>int g0/0/1 <Huawei>port trunk allow-pass vlan 10 <Huawei>int g0/0/2 <Huawei>port trunk allow-pass vlan 10 ``` 5. 配置所有 Trunk 接口上打 Tag 为 VLAN 10: ``` <Huawei>sw tr all vlan 10 ``` 6. 开启交换机的路由功能: ``` <Huawei>ip routing ``` 需要注意的是,以上命令中的接口类型和接口号需要根据实际情况做出调整,例如 "g0/0/1" 可能需要替换成其他接口类型和接口号。

<dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter</artifactId> <version>2.7.0</version> <scope>compile</scope> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework</groupId> <artifactId>spring-messaging</artifactId> <version>5.3.20</version> <scope>compile</scope> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.amqp</groupId> <artifactId>spring-rabbit</artifactId> <version>2.4.5</version> <scope>compile</scope> </dependency> </dependencies> 用这个版本获取 rabbitmq 所有的队列名 交换机名 routingkey名

可以通过以下代码获取 RabbitMQ 中所有的队列名、交换机名和 routing key 名: ```java import org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.core.RabbitAdmin; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; @Component public class RabbitmqManagement { @Autowired private RabbitAdmin rabbitAdmin; public List<String> getAllQueueNames() { return new ArrayList<>(rabbitAdmin.getQueueProperties().keySet()); } public List<String> getAllExchangeNames() { return new ArrayList<>(rabbitAdmin.getExchangeProperties().keySet()); } public List<String> getAllBindingNames() { return new ArrayList<>(rabbitAdmin.getBindingProperties().keySet()); } } ``` 需要注意的是,需要先配置好 RabbitMQ 的连接信息,再注入 `RabbitAdmin`,才能使用上述代码。


#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vector> using namespace std; struct RoutingEntry { string ip; string nextHop; }; class RoutingTable { public: void add (string ip, string nextHop) { RoutingEntry entry = { ip, nextHop }; container.push_back(entry); } void remove (string ip) { for (size_t i = 0; i < container.size(); i++) { if (ip == container[i].ip) { container.erase(container.begin() + i); break; } } } void modify (string ip, string nextHop) { for (size_t i = 0; i < container.size(); i++) { if (ip == container[i].ip) { container[i].nextHop = nextHop; break; } } } string search(string ip) { for (size_t i = 0; i < container.size(); i++) { if (ip == container[i].ip) { return container[i].nextHop; } } return "Not Found"; } private: vector <RoutingEntry> container; }; int main() { RoutingTable table; table.add("", ""); table.add("", ""); table.add("", ""); // 循环查找 while (true) { // 显示菜单 cout << "1. Lookup route" << endl; cout << "2. Add route" << endl; cout << "3. Remove route" << endl; cout << "4. Modify route" << endl; cout << "5. Quit" << endl; int choice; cout << "Please enter your choice: "; cin >> choice; if (choice == 1) { string ip; cout << "Please enter destination IP address: "; cin >> ip; string nextHop =; cout << "Next Hop: " << nextHop << endl; return 0; } else if (choice == 2) { string ip, nextHop; cout << "Please enter destination IP address to add: "; cin >> ip; cout << "Please enter next route address to add: "; cin >> nextHop; add(ip, nextHop); } else if (choice == 3) { string ip; cout << "Please enter destination IP address to remove: "; cin >> ip; remove(ip); } else if (choice == 4) { string ip, nextHop; cout << "Please enter destination IP address to modify: "; cin >> ip; cout << "Please enter next route address to modify: "; cin >> nextHop; modify(ip, nextHop); } else if (choice == 5) { break; } else { cout << "Invalid input, please re-enter" << endl; } } return 0; } 修改代码解决未定义标识符add,remove,modify的问题并作出解释

import type { createI18n } from 'vue-i18n'; export let i18n: ReturnType<typeof createI18n>; type I18nGlobalTranslation = { (key: string): string; (key: string, locale: string): string; (key: string, locale: string, list: unknown[]): string; (key: string, locale: string, named: Record<string, unknown>): string; (key: string, list: unknown[]): string; (key: string, named: Record<string, unknown>): string; }; type I18nTranslationRestParameters = [string, any]; function getKey(namespace: string | undefined, key: string) { if (!namespace) { return key; } if (key.startsWith(namespace)) { return key; } return ${namespace}.${key}; } export function useI18n(namespace?: string): { t: I18nGlobalTranslation; } { const normalFn = { t: (key: string) => { return getKey(namespace, key); }, }; if (!i18n) { return normalFn; } const { t, ...methods } =; const tFn: I18nGlobalTranslation = (key: string, ...arg: any[]) => { if (!key) return ''; if (!key.includes('.') && !namespace) return key; return t(getKey(namespace, key), ...(arg as I18nTranslationRestParameters)); }; return { ...methods, t: tFn, }; } // Why write this function? // Mainly to configure the vscode i18nn ally plugin. This function is only used for routing and menus. Please use useI18n for other places // 为什么要编写此函数? // 主要用于配合vscode i18nn ally插件。此功能仅用于路由和菜单。请在其他地方使用useI18n export const t = (key: string) => key;这段代码报错,帮忙重写



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