用pddl语言写一段代码,实现一个规划问题,一个农夫带着一只狼,一只羊,一颗白菜过河,由于船太小,只能装下农夫和另 一样东西,无人看管时,狼吃羊,羊吃菜,问,怎样才能平安过河?”。
时间: 2024-03-26 11:39:52 浏览: 150
好的,以下是用 PDDL 语言编写的规划问题代码:
(define (problem crossing-river)
(:domain crossing)
(:objects farmer wolf sheep cabbage riverbank1 riverbank2)
(at farmer riverbank1)
(at wolf riverbank1)
(at sheep riverbank1)
(at cabbage riverbank1)
(at riverbank1 riverbank1)
(at riverbank2 riverbank2)
(at farmer riverbank2)
(at wolf riverbank2)
(at sheep riverbank2)
(at cabbage riverbank2)
; farmer crosses river alone
(:operator cross-farmer-alone
:precondition (at farmer ?from)
:effect (and
(not (at farmer ?from))
(at farmer ?to)
(not (at ?any ?from))
(at ?any ?to)
; farmer crosses river with wolf
(:operator cross-farmer-wolf
:precondition (and
(at farmer ?from)
(at wolf ?from)
:effect (and
(not (at farmer ?from))
(not (at wolf ?from))
(at farmer ?to)
(at wolf ?to)
(not (at ?any ?from))
(at ?any ?to)
; farmer crosses river with sheep
(:operator cross-farmer-sheep
:precondition (and
(at farmer ?from)
(at sheep ?from)
:effect (and
(not (at farmer ?from))
(not (at sheep ?from))
(at farmer ?to)
(at sheep ?to)
(not (at ?any ?from))
(at ?any ?to)
; farmer crosses river with cabbage
(:operator cross-farmer-cabbage
:precondition (and
(at farmer ?from)
(at cabbage ?from)
:effect (and
(not (at farmer ?from))
(not (at cabbage ?from))
(at farmer ?to)
(at cabbage ?to)
(not (at ?any ?from))
(at ?any ?to)
这个问题中包括了四个操作符,分别是农夫独自过河、农夫带着狼过河、农夫带着羊过河、农夫带着白菜过河。每个操作符都有对应的前置条件和效果,前置条件描述了该操作符能够执行的条件,而效果则描述了该操作符执行后会发生的改变。根据这些操作符和初始状态和目标状态,PDDL 规划器可以生成一系列操作步骤,使得从初始状态到目标状态的转换是合法的,并且满足所有约束条件(如狼不能吃羊等)。