if (this.searchValue && !this.selectedNodes.includes(this.searchValue))
时间: 2024-06-01 09:12:39 浏览: 124
== "") {
console.log("Please enter a search value.");
} else {
// continue with search logic
This code checks if the searchValue variable is an empty string. If it is, it logs a message asking the user to enter a search value. If it is not empty, it continues with the search logic.
if (this.searchValue && !this.selectedNodes.includes(this.searchValue)) { this.selectedNodes.push(this.searchValue); }
== "") {
console.log("Search value is empty.");
} else {
console.log("Search value is not empty.");
This code checks if the searchValue variable is empty or not. If it is empty, it will log "Search value is empty." to the console. If it is not empty, it will log "Search value is not empty." to the console.
详细解释这段代码:queryMultipleSelection(data, type) { let statusArr = []; if (this.props.historyData && this.props.historyData.form == "OrderBoard") { statusArr = this.props.historyData.queryContent.Reserve_Inventory_Status; } else { } const treeData = [...data]; const tProps = { treeData, value: this.state[type], defaultValue: this.state[type + "Availabled"] || [], onChange: "", maxTagCount: 1, treeCheckable: true, getPopupContainer: (triggerNode) => triggerNode.parentNode.parentNode, filterTreeNode: (inputValue, treeNode) => { if (treeNode && inputValue) { return treeNode.title.toLowerCase().indexOf(inputValue.toLowerCase()) >= 0; } return false; }, treeDefaultExpandAll: true, showCheckedStrategy: SHOW_PARENT, placeholder: intl.get("common.请选择"), size: "middle", className: "common-tree-select", }; // tProps.searchValue = ''; tProps.onChange = (value, label, extra) => { this.setState({ [type]: value }); }; return <TreeSelect {...tProps} />; }
- `treeData`: 设置TreeSelect组件的数据源为参数`data`。
- `value`: 设置TreeSelect组件的当前选中值为当前组件状态中的`type`属性值。
- `defaultValue`: 设置TreeSelect组件的默认选中值为当前组件状态中的`type + "Availabled"`属性值,如果不存在则为空数组。
- `onChange`: 设置TreeSelect组件的选中值改变时的回调函数为空字符串。
- `maxTagCount`: 设置TreeSelect组件多选时最多显示的标签数量为1。
- `treeCheckable`: 设置TreeSelect组件可选中多个节点。
- `getPopupContainer`: 设置TreeSelect组件的弹出层容器为触发节点的父节点的父节点。
- `filterTreeNode`: 设置TreeSelect组件的节点过滤函数,根据输入的值和节点的标题进行过滤,返回匹配的节点。
- `treeDefaultExpandAll`: 设置TreeSelect组件默认展开所有节点。
- `showCheckedStrategy`: 设置TreeSelect组件的选中策略为父子节点都选中时才显示选中状态。
- `placeholder`: 设置TreeSelect组件的占位符文本为"common.请选择",可能是从国际化资源中获取。
- `size`: 设置TreeSelect组件的尺寸为"middle"。
- `className`: 设置TreeSelect组件的样式类名为"common-tree-select"。