时间: 2024-05-02 10:18:58 浏览: 114
class Process:
def __init__(self, pid, priority, arrival_time, burst_time):
self.pid = pid
self.priority = priority
self.arrival_time = arrival_time
self.burst_time = burst_time
self.waiting_time = 0
self.turnaround_time = 0
def __str__(self):
return f"Process {self.pid}"
class HPFScheduler:
def __init__(self, processes):
self.processes = processes
self.current_time = 0
self.completed_processes = []
self.ready_queue = []
def schedule(self):
while self.processes or self.ready_queue:
# Add newly arrived processes to the ready queue
for process in self.processes:
if process.arrival_time <= self.current_time:
self.processes = [process for process in self.processes if process not in self.ready_queue]
if not self.ready_queue:
# If there are no processes in the ready queue, increment current time
self.current_time += 1
# Sort the ready queue based on priority
self.ready_queue.sort(key=lambda x: x.priority, reverse=True)
# Execute the process with highest priority
current_process = self.ready_queue.pop(0)
current_process.waiting_time = self.current_time - current_process.arrival_time
self.current_time += current_process.burst_time
current_process.turnaround_time = self.current_time - current_process.arrival_time
# Calculate average waiting time and turnaround time
waiting_times = [process.waiting_time for process in self.completed_processes]
average_waiting_time = sum(waiting_times) / len(waiting_times)
turnaround_times = [process.turnaround_time for process in self.completed_processes]
average_turnaround_time = sum(turnaround_times) / len(turnaround_times)
print(f"Average waiting time: {average_waiting_time}")
print(f"Average turnaround time: {average_turnaround_time}")
这个代码中,`Process` 类表示一个进程,`HPFScheduler` 类表示一个基于优先数的进程调度器。`processes` 参数是一个包含所有进程的列表。`schedule` 方法实现了调度算法,会将每个进程加入就绪队列并进行排序,然后选择优先级最高的进程执行。执行完一个进程后,会计算它的等待时间和周转时间,并将它加入已完成进程列表。最后,会计算所有进程的平均等待时间和平均周转时间,并输出结果。
# Create a list of processes
processes = [
Process(1, 3, 0, 5),
Process(2, 1, 1, 3),
Process(3, 4, 2, 2),
Process(4, 2, 3, 1),
Process(5, 5, 4, 4)
# Create a scheduler and schedule the processes
scheduler = HPFScheduler(processes)
| 进程 | 优先级 | 到达时间 | 执行时间 |
| 1 | 3 | 0 | 5 |
| 2 | 1 | 1 | 3 |
| 3 | 4 | 2 | 2 |
| 4 | 2 | 3 | 1 |
| 5 | 5 | 4 | 4 |
在这个例子中,进程 1 有最高的优先级,因此会先执行。接下来,会按照优先级顺序执行其他进程。最后,会输出平均等待时间和平均周转时间。