EXPLAIN oracle
时间: 2023-10-28 21:55:44 浏览: 198
Oracle数据库系统基于SQL语言,支持事务处理和ACID特性,可以处理大量的数据和复杂的查询。它还提供了多种数据类型和索引类型,并支持分区和分布式数据库。Oracle还提供了多种工具和技术来管理和监控数据库,如Oracle Enterprise Manager和Oracle Real Application Clusters等。
oracle explain
Oracle Explain Plan is a tool used for analyzing and understanding how Oracle will execute a SQL statement. It provides information on the operations that will be performed by Oracle to fetch the requested data, the order in which the operations will be executed, and the expected cost of each operation.
The Explain Plan is generated by the Oracle Optimizer, which analyzes the SQL statement and determines the most efficient way to execute it. The optimizer considers factors such as the available indexes, the size of the tables, and the complexity of the query.
The Explain Plan can be obtained using the EXPLAIN PLAN statement or by using tools such as SQL Developer or Toad. The output of the Explain Plan includes the execution plan, the estimated number of rows, and the cost of each operation.
The execution plan provides a visual representation of the operations that Oracle will perform to execute the SQL statement. The estimated number of rows indicates the number of rows that Oracle expects to retrieve for each operation. The cost of each operation is an estimate of the resources required to execute the operation, including disk I/O, CPU time, and memory usage.
The Explain Plan is a valuable tool for optimizing SQL statements and improving the performance of Oracle databases. By analyzing the plan, database administrators and developers can identify potential bottlenecks and make changes to the SQL statement or database schema to improve performance.
oracle 使用explain
在Oracle数据库中,`EXPLAIN`是一个强大的工具,用于分析SQL语句的执行计划(Execution Plan)。它揭示了数据库如何解析和执行查询,包括使用的索引、连接顺序、排序算法等细节,这对于优化查询性能至关重要。当你运行一个`EXPLAIN`命令时,Oracle不会实际执行SQL,而是返回一个执行计划描述,通常包含以下几个部分:
1. **操作符**(Operator):比如选择(SELECT)、哈希连接(HASH JOIN)等,显示了查询的主要处理步骤。
2. **表**(Table):列出涉及的表名,以及是否使用了临时表。
3. **表分区**(Partition):如果查询涉及到了分区,这里会有相应的提示。
4. **列**(Column):列名及所选数据的来源,可能还包括偏向于哪个索引的指示。
5. **过滤条件**(Predicate Information):说明哪些行被排除在外的条件。
6. **估计的行数**(Estimated Rows):基于当前统计信息预测的执行结果行数。
7. **IO统计**(I/O Statistics):例如读取/写入的磁盘块数,对性能评估很有帮助。
8. **内存使用**(Memory Usage):估算的临时空间需求。
通过`EXPLAIN`,你可以识别出性能瓶颈,如全表扫描、索引未利用等,并据此调整查询、添加或修改索引,甚至改变查询策略。对于复杂的查询,建议定期执行`EXPLAIN PLAN`并结合其他性能监控工具一起使用。