2059 - Authentication plugin 'caching sha2 password' cannot be loaded:
时间: 2023-11-11 08:21:00 浏览: 126
As an AI language model, I cannot directly diagnose the issue. But, I can suggest some general troubleshooting steps to resolve this issue:
1. Check if the authentication plugin is installed and enabled in MySQL.
2. Check if the plugin is compatible with the version of MySQL you are using.
3. Check if there are any errors in the MySQL error log that could provide more information about the issue.
4. Try restarting the MySQL service and see if it resolves the issue.
5. If none of the above steps work, try reinstalling MySQL and ensure that the authentication plugin is installed and enabled during the installation process.
2059 - Authentication plugin caching_sha2_password cannot be loaded:
这个问题通常出现在MySQL数据库中,它指的是在尝试连接到MySQL时,无法加载authentication plugin "caching_sha2_password"。这个问题通常是由于MySQL版本更新导致的,因为在MySQL 8.0.4版本之后,该版本默认使用caching_sha2_password插件进行身份验证,而旧版本的MySQL客户端可能不支持此插件。
1. 使用root用户登录到MySQL服务器
2. 运行以下命令更改默认身份验证插件:ALTER USER 'user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'password';
3. 在上面的命令中,将'user'和'password'替换为您自己的用户名和密码。
2059 - Authentication plugin 'caching sha2 password' cannot be loaded: @Xeeeeeeeg
1. 检查MySQL服务器版本:确保您正在使用的MySQL服务器版本支持"缓存SHA2密码"身份验证插件。如果不支持,考虑升级到支持该插件的版本。
2. 修改身份验证插件:如果您无法升级MySQL服务器,您可以尝试修改MySQL的配置文件,将默认的身份验证插件修改为旧的插件,如"mysql_native_password"。在配置文件中找到类似于"default_authentication_plugin"的选项,并将其值修改为"mysql_native_password"。
3. 重新安装MySQL:如果以上方法都无效,您可以尝试重新安装MySQL服务器,并确保在安装过程中选择支持"缓存SHA2密码"身份验证插件的选项。