Certificate verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate
时间: 2023-07-19 18:54:51 浏览: 218
这个错误通常是由于 SSL/TLS 证书不被信任所致。它可能是由于证书颁发机构(CA)没有被信任,或者证书链不完整。你可以尝试更新根证书或者手动指定证书的路径。如果你是在使用 Python 时遇到了这个问题,可以尝试使用 `verify=False` 参数来禁用 SSL/TLS 验证。但是这样做会降低安全性,因此不建议在生产环境中使用。
certificate verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate
This error occurs when a secure connection (such as HTTPS) is attempted but the server's SSL/TLS certificate cannot be verified by the client's system. This can happen when the server's certificate is not signed by a trusted certificate authority, or if the client's system does not have the necessary root or intermediate certificates to verify the chain of trust.
To resolve this error, you can try the following steps:
1. Verify that the server's certificate is valid and signed by a trusted certificate authority.
2. Make sure that the client's system has the necessary root and intermediate certificates installed to verify the chain of trust.
3. Check if there are any firewalls, proxies or security software that may be interfering with the SSL/TLS connection.
4. Try accessing the website or server from a different network or device to see if the issue persists.
5. If the problem persists, contact the website or server administrator for assistance.
mitmproxt Certificate verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate
这个问题通常是由于 mitmproxy 没有正确配置 SSL/TLS 证书所致。默认情况下,mitmproxy 会使用自己的根证书来签名 SSL/TLS 证书,但是这个证书需要被信任才能正常工作。你可以尝试在 mitmproxy 中使用 `--ssl-insecure` 选项来禁用 SSL/TLS 验证。但是这样做会降低安全性,因此不建议在生产环境中使用。另外,你也可以尝试手动安装 mitmproxy 的根证书来解决这个问题。具体步骤可以参考 mitmproxy 的官方文档。