stretched_arr[stretched_arr < 0] = 0
时间: 2024-03-04 17:52:53 浏览: 135
这是一个Python中的语句,它的作用是将数组stretched_arr中小于0的元素都设置为0。这个语句使用了NumPy中的布尔索引,它可以通过一个布尔数组来选择数组中的元素。在这个例子中,布尔索引的条件是stretched_arr < 0,它会返回一个布尔数组,其中True表示对应的元素小于0,False表示对应的元素不小于0。然后,这个布尔数组被用作stretched_arr的索引,所有对应True的元素都会被设置为0。
stretched_arr[:m] = 0
这段代码的作用是将 stretched_arr 数组中前 m 个元素赋值为 0。其中 stretched_arr 是一个 NumPy 数组或类似数组的对象,m 是一个整数,表示要赋值为 0 的元素个数。这种操作通常用于初始化数组或者将数组的一部分清零。需要注意的是,这个操作会修改原始数组 stretched_arr,因此需要谨慎使用。
%Matlab程序读取sst数据: close all clear all oid='' sst=double(ncread(oid,'sst')); nlat=double(ncread(oid,'lat')); nlon=double(ncread(oid,'lon')); mv=ncreadatt(oid,'/sst','missing_value'); sst(find(sst==mv))=NaN; [Nlt,Nlg]=meshgrid(nlat,nlon); %Plot the SST data without using the MATLAB Mapping Toolbox figure pcolor(Nlg,Nlt,sst(:,:,1));shading interp; load coast;hold on;plot(long,lat);plot(long+360,lat);hold off colorbar %Plot the SST data using the MATLAB Mapping Toolbox figure axesm('eqdcylin','maplatlimit',[-80 80],'maplonlimit',[0 360]); % Create a cylindrical equidistant map pcolorm(Nlt,Nlg,sst(:,:,1)) % pseudocolor plot "stretched" to the grid load coast % add continental outlines plotm(lat,long) colorbar % sst数据格式 % Variables: % lat % Size: 89x1 % Dimensions: lat % Datatype: single % Attributes: % units = 'degrees_north' % long_name = 'Latitude' % actual_range = [88 -88] % standard_name = 'latitude_north' % axis = 'y' % coordinate_defines = 'center' % % lon % Size: 180x1 % Dimensions: lon % Datatype: single % Attributes: % units = 'degrees_east' % long_name = 'Longitude' % actual_range = [0 358] % standard_name = 'longitude_east' % axis = 'x' % coordinate_defines = 'center' % % time % Size: 1787x1 % Dimensions: time % Datatype: double % Attributes: % units = 'days since 1800-1-1 00:00:00' % long_name = 'Time' % actual_range = [19723 74083] % delta_t = '0000-01-00 00:00:00' % avg_period = '0000-01-00 00:00:00' % prev_avg_period = '0000-00-07 00:00:00' % standard_name = 'time' % axis = 't' % % time_bnds % Size: 2x1787 % Dimensions: nbnds,time % Datatype: double % Attributes: % long_name = 'Time Boundaries' % % sst % Size: 180x89x1787 % Dimensions: lon,lat,time % Datatype: int16 % Attributes: % long_name = 'Monthly Means of Sea Surface Temperature' % valid_range = [-5 40] % actual_range = [-1.8 36.08] % units = 'degC' % add_offset = 0 % scale_factor = 0.01 % missing_value = 32767 % precision = 2 % least_significant_digit = 1 % var_desc = 'Sea Surface Temperature' % dataset = 'NOAA Extended Reconstructed SST' % level_desc = 'Surface' % statistic = 'Mean' % parent_stat = 'Mean' 解释这个代码的意思,并将其转换为python代码
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
from netCDF4 import Dataset
# 读取NetCDF文件
oid = ''
dataset = Dataset(oid)
# 读取sst数据
sst = dataset.variables['sst'][:]
mv = dataset.variables['sst'].missing_value
sst[sst == mv] = np.nan
# 读取经纬度数据
nlat = dataset.variables['lat'][:]
nlon = dataset.variables['lon'][:]
# 绘制SST数据(不使用Matplotlib的Mapping Toolbox)
plt.pcolormesh(nlon, nlat, sst[:,:,0], shading='interp')
plt.contour(dataset.variables['lon'][:]+360, dataset.variables['lat'][:], dataset.variables['sst'][0,:,:], colors='k')
# 绘制SST数据(使用Matplotlib的Mapping Toolbox)
map = Basemap(projection='cyl', llcrnrlat=-80, urcrnrlat=80, llcrnrlon=0, urcrnrlon=360)
map.pcolormesh(nlon, nlat, sst[:,:,0], latlon=True)
# 关闭文件