CONVERT(string, destination_character_set, source_character_set)
CONVERT('你好,世界', 'GBK', 'UTF8')
convert函数用于转换不同数据类型的值,其语法为:CONVERT(data_type(length), value, style)。其中,data_type表示要转换的数据类型,value表示要转换的值,style表示转换的风格。可以在Oracle官方文档中查看不同数据类型和转换风格的具体说明。
Oracle Report Convert
Oracle Reports is a tool used for designing and generating complex reports from various data sources. If you want to convert an Oracle Report to a different format, there are a few options available:
PDF: You can generate your Oracle Report in PDF format by selecting "PDF" as the output format in the report properties.
Excel: You can generate your Oracle Report in Excel format by selecting "Excel" as the output format in the report properties.
HTML: You can generate your Oracle Report in HTML format by selecting "HTML" as the output format in the report properties.
XML: You can generate your Oracle Report in XML format by selecting "XML" as the output format in the report properties.
CSV: You can generate your Oracle Report in CSV format by selecting "Delimited" as the output format in the report properties and specifying a comma as the delimiter.
To convert an existing Oracle Report to a different format, you can simply generate the report in the desired format as described above. If you need to automate this process, you can use Oracle's command-line tool, rwclient, to run the report with the desired output format.